Naked Skin

I have naked skin!!!! I am one of the few professional athletes with no tattoos. Lately Ive been thinking about getting one, but then I wont be able to stand up as one of the people bucking the trends and being an individual. (I cant wear skinny jeans cuz my knots don’t fit!!!)

Me and my sisters agreed to get a similar tattoo as an outward expression of our bond and love. This was a couple years ago. They both have theirs already so now they are looking at me out of the corner of their eye so I’m feeling the pressure. LOL. I want to get it but then I feel like ill be like everyone else then, but I told them I would do it. Tough decision! But if I do get the tat it must be top notch so I need help with designs. GAM with a little 3 either super/subscript on the G.
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people with tattoos and the number of tattoos those people have in the last few years. So many people, especially athletes have full sleeves, half sleeves, one sleeve, necks, backs done. Are people who have so much of their body tattooed at 18-29 gonna want those same tattoos when they get 40-50 and they get wrinkled or will they regret having all of them?
What’s with all the tats?!!!