Pull down the runner’s shorts: Gender Test

Just read a crazy article on Apparently, there is an 800 meter runner in South Africa, by the name of Caster Semenya, who is having a gender dispute. A test is being done that consist of reports from endocrinologist, psychologist, and all types of doctors and specialists, because of Caster’s recent times in the 800. The World Track and Field federation has doubts that Caster does not fit the requirements to compete as a woman. Call me old-fashion, but shouldn’t a gender test be as simple as pulling down Caster’s pants??? Maybe I’m confused, it should be either a pole or a hole right? Not so fast; this is 2009 when men live as women and women live as men. No matter what you cut off or attach, you are born either a man or a woman and cannot change it. Men are bigger, faster, and stronger than women so competition is not fair. As if Track and Field doesn’t have enough problems with ‘Roids, now gender switching is a concern?? Please I need you guys to help me out. I’m not well-versed on this issue and I’m clearly confused.