After an extended hiatus due to the pandemic, This Is Us finally returns tonight for Season 5 with a special two-hour premiere. Frankly, America needs the Pearson family back in our lives in order to provide a necessary distraction from COVID.
When we last saw the Big Three, Kevin and Randall squared off in a fight that mirrored Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed. Instead of throwing punches, the brothers verbally spared, trading haymaker after haymaker until Kevin dropped the hammer when he said, “Hand to God, Randall, the worst thing that ever happened to me was the day they brought you home.”

Here’s a quick recap of everything else that happened in the Season 4 finale.
- Madison is pregnant with twins and Kevin is the father.
- Kate and Toby decide to adopt a daughter, Hailey.
- Jack’s daughter is named Hope.
- Both Nicky and Kevin are wearing wedding rings in the flash-forward.
- Rebecca is going to St. Louis for the clinical trial with Miguel.
In typical This Is Us fashion, the writers left us with multiple cliffhangers in the finale, which will all be addressed at some point this season or the next. So what can we expect in Season 5?
-Fallout of fight between Randall and Kevin: This is the biggest storyline of the season. I don’t expect this fight to end overnight. As we’ve seen in the flash-forward, Randall and Kevin will eventually be on good terms. However, what is the moment that will bring them together?
-Rebecca’s Clinical Trials: At the end of Season 4, Rebecca decided to sign up for the clinical trials in St. Louis. Rebecca and Miguel will head to St. Louis during the season, but when will they head home? During the Season 4 midseason finale, Rebecca’s memory significantly deteriorated and needed a police escort back to the cabin for the 40th birthday party, which will air tonight. Did Rebecca leave the trials because they failed or did something happen to Miguel?
-Kate And Toby’s Relationship: At the end of last season, Kate and Toby decide to explore adoption, and we know that they will adopt a girl and name her Hailey. However, what we don’t know is the status of their marriage. Kate and Toby have had problems in the past (Thanks, Lady Kryptonite). Expect problems to occur once again this season, but will it lead to a divorce or something much worse?
-Birth and Rebirths: According to Dan Fogelman, this season is about “births and rebirths.” The obvious birth will be Kevin and Madison’s twins. With that being said, I’m more interested in the rebirth. Does the rebirth represent Kevin and Randall’s relationship? Is it a new love interest for Kevin or Kate? Does it signify Rebecca’s love for Miguel?
-Jack: When in doubt, add Jack into a storyline. We all need a little more Jack Pearson on the show.
With a preview comes predictions. I made these predictions at the end of last season.
- Kevin will name his daughter after his mother, Rebecca.
- Miguel will die.
- The birth of the twins will end the fight between Kevin and Randall.
For now, I’m sticking with those predictions. I’m confident that Miguel, who I love dearly, will die at some point within the next two seasons. In regards to the twins, my confidence meter is 50/50. Now that the premiere has arrived, here are a few more predictions.
Kate Will Die*: I’ve been on this hill since Season 2. There’s no reason to abandon ship just yet. This Is Us is all about the fragility of life and cherishing every moment spent with family. Death ties every storyline together. The deaths of Jack, William, and Kyle (original member of the Big Three who died in childbirth) rocked the Pearson family and became crucial plot points in the story. Kate has not been seen in the flashforward at Kevin’s house. Toby is also not wearing his wedding ring. Are Kate and Toby divorced? Maybe, but for now, I’m leaning towards “’til death do us part.”
*Kate will die if and only if Miguel dies in Season 5. Two deaths in one season are too much to handle. If Miguel dies in Season 5, then Kate could die in Season 6 if that’s truly the final season. If Miguel’s death occurs in the final season, then Kate will live.
-Nicky Pretends To Be Married To Rebecca: This is my outrageous prediction. In the flash forward, Nicky is wearing a wedding ring while sitting next to a dying Rebecca. There’s no chance in hell that Nicky marries Rebecca. However, since Rebecca’s memory is shot, Nicky pretends to be Jack on the surface since most of her memories are gone and she only remembers Jack. Nicky wears the wedding ring and acts like Jack even though he’s serving as Rebecca’s caretaker. It’s an odd prediction, but a spicy take.
-Rebecca Will Die In The Series Finale: Rebecca will die in the bed surrounded by her loved ones in the series finale. Rebecca’s death will complete the circle of life.
Can’t wait to see how many of these predictions come true!
What are your predictions for This Is Us Season 5? Leave your thoughts in the comments below or tweet us, @unafraidshow.
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