Why 2nd Amendment supporters need to support NFL players kneeling!

Gun owners and 2nd amendment rights people who don’t support NFL players right to kneel are short sighted. This affects you in a way that you do not even realize. You should be terrified by the propaganda/PR stunt that Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump orchestrated on Sunday. Kneeling during the anthem in protest of equality and police brutality is protected under the 1st amendment. If you allow people to be fired, exiled, or ostracized for exercising their 1stamendment rights, you are opening Pandora’s box. Nearly all 2ndamendment rights people say they refuse to allow the government to control gun ownership and trample on their individual rights. I understand that many people don’t like, care, or believe what the NFL players are protesting. However, the principle remains the same despite the amendment. If you allow the President to influence you to shut people’s rights down then it will happen to you sooner than later.

Many people will argue that there’s no way the NRA would allow gun control. I would respond by saying that has been said about a lot of issues: civil rights, abortion, prayer in schools, etc. Look at where taking prayer out of schools has led. Kids, teachers, administrators, have been suspended or fired for bringing a bible to school or praying together. Coaches have been fired for kneeling in prayer after games. People get upset about people praying at school or in public, but then want to “Pray” for Las Vegas, Orlando, and Puerto Rico.

All these things go down a slippery slope. And the arrival destination is never where the intended destination was. Many people are frustrated with public sensitivity that has caused restriction on free speech and infringed on their beliefs. I will guarantee you that, if you support any amendment right being stepped on, a right you care about is in line and will be up for grabs soon enough.

The President has convinced us that attacking ourselves as Americans over flag worship is a good idea. There is no NFL player or media person that does anything except honor and support our military. Kneeling is about bringing awareness to police brutality, and inequality in our country. Patriotism is love and support for your country. It is also the honesty to recognize our faults and fix our issues to be the greatest country in the world.

This divisiveness debating patriotism and flag worship is nothing more than propaganda. Today it is about “shutting down disrespect” that is protected under the 1st amendment. If you allow or condone the suppression of people’s amendment rights, the guns and 2ndamendment rights you love will be infringed upon as well.