Jussie Smollett, the self-titled “Gay Tupac” and actor who portrays Jamal Lyon on the hit tv show Empire, is in hot water. Smollett, who filed a police report for having been the subject of a hate crime is being charged with a Felony count of disorderly conduct.
This is some bullshit. On so many levels. Let me first clearly state my position. I am a firm believer in equal rights for everyone, I am a firm supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am a proud black man. I love the truth, I was always taught to tell it. No matter what.
Unflattering Company
Smollett has joined the ranks of Daniel Hernandez, more commonly known as Tekashi 6ix9ine. Both have tried invoking comparisons to the late great Tupac Shakur and now both have been accused of falsifying police reports.
It is a crying damn shame for the good name of Tupac to be besmirched by such lacking individuals. Having lived through the peak of Death Row Records and having purchased All Eyes on Me multiple times these sorry individuals can’t hold his jock.
Tupac stood for something and these clowns who reference his name are some selfish and classless individuals who care about nothing except their own fame and fortune. Smollett’s actions will be referenced as a means to discredit actual atrocities committed against protected people.
Tekashi is a snitch, sold out his friends and his gang, after being convicted of 9 felonies and sentenced to 47 years in the federal penitentiary.
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the Law
I believe if indeed he is guilty, Mr. Smollett needs to pay for his crime. In an overwhelmingly numbing era of misinformation, lies and good old fashioned theater, enough is enough. Racial tensions have been preyed upon as a means to escalate division and separation in America. Hate crimes have risen in everyone of the last three years and we have individuals doing…this.
I don’t want to believe it. I really don’t. But at this time, not only does it look real, it looks real bad. How are you going to hire people you work with on the set of your current tv show to be the ones to do it? How the fuck is your dumb ass going to attempt to pay your henchmen by writing a check? My word that is arrogantly stupid.
But Why?
I want to know what his goal was, I want to ask why. I don’t want to believe an individual would be capable of orchestrating a deception this devious and this detrimental to a community because they wanted to make more than 65K per episode.
Did he really honestly believe that by going on live tv and lying through his teeth he was going to get written back into the fabric of the show he was being phased out of? A show that was nearing it’s final season anyway.
Mr. Smollett has put a lot of supporters in some tight spots and made them to look like fools. Myself included. Congressmen/women have been vocal in his defense, he has improperly vilified MAGA, and in a city where the citizens are already at ends with the police force. This is the type of stuff you would normally say I can’t make this up to. Yet here we find ourselves.
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