We Need To Have An Honest Conversation About Debt Relief And The Future Of Student Loans

The Biden Administration’s decision to relieve student loan debt, specifically $10,000 for those that make less than $125,000 in annual income, and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients, has kicked off a massive debate about the fairness of relieving debt for people that contractually agreed to pay it back. Much of the noise came from those on the political right, and which resulted in a tit-for-tat back and forth between United States Congressmen and the official Twitter account for the White House.

We need to cut through the partisan noise and have an honest conversation about debt relief and the future of student loans.

Two things are true

1) People should pay their debts.

2) People should be protected from predatory lending practices.

An in-state degree, and let’s use an education degree as an example, can easily run a student well over $100,000 when you factor in tuition, room, board, books, transportation, and an unpaid student teaching period.

Let’s assume that the student in this scenario accumulated $40,000 in government-backed student debt over this 4-5 year period. Assuming the average starting salary of a teacher is around $40,000, if that student is on a 10-year repayment plan, the monthly minimum payments are going to exceed 20% of that teacher’s monthly pre-tax income.

If this hypothetical student is able to make every minimum payment over the 10 years in order to repay that debt, they will have paid back over $80,000 to the government, and likely surrendered one fifth of their income over the course of a decade (assuming they’re still able to stomach a teacher’s salary into their early 30’s in the face of needing housing, family planning, inflation, etc).

That same student that was able to secure $40,000 in student loans was probably early enough in their credit history that opening a bank-backed bankruptcy-protected line of credit for a few hundred dollars would have been harder than securing an unprotected, previously unforgivable loan for tens of thousands of dollars.

When banks don’t think you’re a good bet to recoup a few hundred bucks, why should education lenders think you’re a good bet to saddle with exponentially more unforgivable debt in an economy where wages stagnate in comparison to inflation and housing?

I totally get the frustration of people that went through the pain of full repayment looking at people that have yet to complete that process and feeling as if it is unfair. But what we can’t do is pretend that the government doesn’t have a history of targeted bailouts that benefit one group over another.‪

American taxpayers bailed out the banks, the auto industry, the farming industry, and most recently, businesses struggling to meet payroll during Covid through PPP… We also perpetually help subsidize mega corporations that fuel the creation of bazillionaires.

We even, and this is absolutely true, spend hundreds of millions making sure that free penis pumps are available to men who are unable to attain an erection under natural circumstances.

So why is it, that when the topic of addressing a student debt crisis born out of college tuition rising between 4-8% annually, outpacing inflation nearly five times over, so many people start decrying and mocking the generation of people who took out those loans in hopes they’d be qualified to fill available jobs and live with the same quality of life as previous generations? If millennials are drowning in debt at a never before seen rate, and wages aren’t increasing to assist in making sure that debt is resolvable, then without relief, the people that truly suffer are anyone and everyone producing any type of good or service that is dependent on expendable income.

In other words, if we don’t have any money left over at the end of the month, you can’t have any of it.

I sympathize with anyone that views those receiving loan forgiveness as rewarding irresponsible individuals, and as an endemic symptom of a “gimme generation.” But does your definition of “gimme generation” include the soybean and corn farmers of America? What about the subprime-mortgage writing baby boomers that drove the 2009 financial and housing crisis? Or the restaurant owners that needed a grant to retain employees through the worst pandemic in 100 years? Or the millions of people and businesses that benefit from bankruptcy protections?

What about those suffering from erectile dysfunction?

At the end of the day- colleges are bloated, charging too much, and not being responsible in the area of helping students understand the employment landscape in relation to the debt they accrue.

Companies are doing all they can to show investors ever-increasing profit margins at the expense of wage stagnation for a generation that is forced to accrue more debt than ever to even participate in many entry-level positions.$10,000 in loan forgiveness is nice… but colleges are going to keep billing students according to what the government will allow an 18-year-old to borrow, and knowingly sending them into fields that don’t pay a wage commensurate with the ability to both live and honor their commitment as a borrower.

The entire system needs an overhaul, but that’s not going to happen if we’re all busy bickering over who deserves this helping hand.

The only reason our entire economy hasn’t collapsed while fuel prices, food costs, and housing expenses run wild is that at the moment, tens of millions of Americans haven’t had to surrender 10%+ of their income to student loan repayment over the last two years. When those payments restart, times are going to be very tight. And the people that are upset that there are Americans benefitting from loan forgiveness right now, are going to be forced to realize that our economy is entirely interdependent on the spending power of its middle class.

Like it or not, we’re in this together, and the income that remains in the hands of people that were previously indebted to the government for loans they accrued at an age when a financial institution would have scoffed at even a $300 line of credit, is going to find its way into the economy, and potentially your pocket.

Instead of fighting, let’s be thankful that we get to hit the snooze button on our complete financial demise as a society to another day, and rally around making the changes necessary to ensure that people are using the collegiate system more judiciously, and being trained for the jobs that are going to keep us afloat for decades to come.

Forget Suspending Aaron Donald, The NFL Needs to End Joint Practices Before Someone Gets Hurt

We need to talk about the NFL trend of joint practices.

If you’ve ever been to an NFL practice, and I’ve participated in hundreds and hundreds, you know what they’re about. 
Competition and physicality. 

And if you’re in the preseason, you can throw ‘desperation’ in as a descriptor as well.

And what happens when you’re desperately, physically competing?


Maybe the NFL moved in the direction of joint practices because the preseason has been cut from four games down to three, but it’s not like the number of practices increase when you add a second team to the mix. If anything, you’ve actually drastically reduced the number of reps you get to see as a coach and GM because while your offense is on the field running plays against another team’s defense, your defense is standing around watching. 

Couple that with having to make extended travel plans for an expanded roster, and it just seems like joint practices are more of a headache than a benefit.

Earlier this week, a debate broke out about whether the NFL’s best player, Aaron Donald, should be suspended for removing the helmets from two Bengals players and swinging them at everyone in sight. 

In my opinion, the Rams front office should suspend themselves for having the galaxy-brained idea to put their most valuable player, a notorious hothead, in a competition space where he’s going up against the players he just beat in the Super Bowl, leading into a preseason game where you’re definitely not going to risk an injury by giving him extended snaps. 

Training camp fights are part of the NFL, just like dropping the gloves is part of hockey. If Cam Newton is willing to risk it all to beat Josh Norman’s ass when they’re on the same team, do you really think that players aren’t going to go after guys that they don’t have to see in the locker room after practice?

A couple weeks ago, several New England Patriots were booted from practice after a brawl with the Carolina Panthers. Did the players learn their lesson? Hell no. The very next day, not only did the Patriots and Panthers brawl again, the fight went into the crowd.

Did anyone catch the third episode of Hard Knocks with the Detroit Lions? If you did, you probably agree that running back Jamaal Williams was doing everything in his power to kick off an all-out brawl between the Lions and Colts- and did that added emotion do anything to help Williams? No, he was out there over-emotional and dropping passes.
When a fight happens in training camp, that’s never the business of the NFL. That’s up to the team to handle, internally. But when you involve another team, and all of the sudden someone is swinging helmets, or falling into spectators, you’re inviting the NFL administration into a space it doesn’t belong. 

Nobody wants to see their favorite players suspended because the team owners and staff, the same people that preach the idea of going into literal battle to players on the fringe of the roster who are desperate to change their lives for the better, decide to treat the joint practice like a literal battle. 

Get rid of the joint practices, or the next time we talk about this, it could be because Roger Goodell had to step in and protect your players and franchise by getting rid of them for you.

Let that sink in.

Pac-12 Apostles Podcast: 2022 Season Preview and Predictions

The 2022 Pac-12 season is upon us, and along with the drama of whether or not the Pac-12 is going to cease to exist, we’ve actually got a very exciting season filled with new coaches, high level transfers, and a new King of the Mountain in Utah. George Wrighster and Ralph Amsden give their season win-loss predictions for every team, as well as discuss the storylines that have shaped the offseason for all 12 teams.

Apple Podcasts // Spotify // PocketCasts // Google Play // Stitcher // RadioPublic // iHeart

Youtube Episode Breakdown (below):

An introduction to the season and a discussion about the possibility of the conference surviving the latest shake-up in TV rights contracts.

Preview of Arizona (10:36)

Preview of Arizona State (15:55)

Preview of Cal (23:39)

Preview of Colorado (29:02)

Preview of Oregon (35:42)

Preview of Oregon State (42:00)

Preview of Stanford (47:17)

Preview of UCLA (52:17)

Preview of USC (56:50)

Preview of Utah (1:01:00)

Preview of Washington (1:07:20)

Preview of Washington State (1:11:27)

Who are the Pac-12 Apostles?

The Pac-12 Apostles is a podcast for fans who love the Pac-12 conference. George Wrighster and Ralph Amsden are committed to the honest and fair conversation about the conference. Join us by becoming a Pac-12 Apostle. Subscribe and share the podcast.

Please leave a rating and review of our podcast on iTunes! We record a podcast once a week with emergency episodes when necessary. Our podcasts are always heavy on Pac-12 football. But we make it a point to also try and cover the other notable Men’s and Women’s Pac-12 sports. We cover recruiting and any other major storyline in the Pac-12 universe.

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and long-time NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, and analyst, who is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014. Through years of playing college football, covering bowl games, coaching changes, and scandals, he has a great pulse for the conference and national perspective.

Ralph Amsden is a sportswriter and podcaster. He is the publisher of Rivals’ ArizonaVarsity.com, Content Director for UnafraidShow.com, and was previously the managing editor of the Arizona State University Rivals affiliate, DevilsDigest.com. Wyoming born, Arizona raised, and now based in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and four kids, Amsden made his mark in Arizona sports media through investigative reporting, and being one of the first people to leverage social media and the podcast medium to grow his platform. . Ralph might be sub-.500 in spousal disputes and schoolyard fights, but whether the topic is food, movies, music, parenting, politics, sports, television, religion, or zoological factoids, he’s always UNAFRAID to square up.

A Thank You From a Sports Content Creator to Kevin Durant and the Dysfunctional Brooklyn Nets

Kevin Durant of the Brooklyn Nets / NBA

I want to thank Kevin Durant and the Brooklyn Nets.

The months between the end of the NBA Finals and the start of NFL preseason are truly the dog days of summer if you’re in the business of producing or discussing sports content. 

This isn’t a knock against baseball, but even commissioner Rob Manfred will tell you that anything that happens before the all-star break is basically a tree falling in a forest- it’s only making a sound if you’re around to hear it.

And even the MLB All-Star game, the most watched of any sports league’s All-Star game, is less relevant than it’s ever been, with ratings down 71% over the last 30 years.

And that’s the reason that I want to thank the Brooklyn Nets, because when my options on my podcast on iHeart, or my radio shows on SiriusXM and Fox Sports were nothing but baseball, Kevin Durant was there to save the day by demanding a trade with three years and $150 million left on his contract.

When the only topic of the day was what amount of money it would take for a professional golfer to ignore the fact that if Saudi Arabia doesn’t like an American citizen, they can just break out the bone saw, Ben Simmons was there to leave the group chat when people ask him to show up for work.

When the only thing there was to talk about on a random Tuesday in June is Serena Williams struggling at Wimbledon, Kyrie Irving stokes rumors that he’s interested in playing right here in Los Angeles, and refuses to sign an extension that just asks that he show up for work sometimes.


It’s hard not to be grateful for this Brooklyn Nets team. They might not be making news for what they’re doing on the court in late spring, but they’re out here dominating the headlines all summer long, whether it’s Kyrie Irving questioning the entire idea of property ownership right before buying a home in LA, or arguing with anyone from Stephen A. Smith to the Barstool sports account, to Kevin Durant picking fights with construction workers and schoolteachers at all hours of the day, and feeding backdoor demands to Shams Charania. 

All to accomplish absolutely nothing, and be forced to suit up together again in 2023. 
All for the benefit of people like me? 

There’s a Douglas Wood quote that says “The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time.

But as a content creator, I can definitely feel thankful while the Brooklyn Nets are unhappy. And with today’s announcement that the Nets are running it back next year, I have a feeling I’m going to spend next summer thankful as well.

Let that sink in.

If The Ravens Wanted to Get a Deal Done With Lamar Jackson, It’d Be Done. It’s Tyler Huntley Time.


We need to talk about Tyler Huntley and Lamar Jackson.

Look, I’ve been on the Huntley train for over a year. I’m not the conductor. On my Pac-12 Apostles Podcast I used to balk at how special Utah fans claimed Huntley was as both a passer and a leader. But if I can hop on the train after it’s already moving, so can you. 

For the second preseason in a row, Tyler Huntley has shown us that he has the potential to be a very good quarterback in this league, and if it was any other situation of a backup flashing potential, I’d be the first to say the Baltimore Ravens should cash in on the backup if there’s a desperate enough team to put together a package for multiple picks.

But the Baltimore Ravens have hesitated far too long on making Lamar Jackson the future of the franchise. It’s been over a year since the Buffalo Bills committed to Josh Allen, and we’ve reached the point where Kyler Murray, drafted a year after Jackson, already has his extension from the Arizona Cardinals. 

I like Lamar Jackson. You’d have to be stupid not to. And while Tyler Huntley is no Lamar Jackson, at least not yet, what do you think sets the Ravens up for the future better? Letting Lamar Jackson hit the open market, or offloading him at a massive premium, and spending a measly $60 million over three seasons to lock up Huntley and surround him with the best talent that money can buy?

If you think this is a ridiculous take, fine. But don’t blame me for having it. Blame the Baltimore Ravens front office, or Lamar Jackson’s decision to not be repped by an agent for creating a situation in which takes like this can have oxygen. 
Imagine if the Cleveland Browns got word that Lamar Jackson was available during this last offseason. You saw what they gave up for Deshaun Watson despite not being sure he’d ever play again- what do you think they’d have given up for Lamar Jackson? The key to the city? A generation of unborn children? A certificate of forgiveness to the ghost of Art Modell?

You can’t tell me that it hasn’t crossed Ravens GM Eric DeCosta’s mind that Huntley, who rushed for 300 yards in 7 games as a backup last year, and has completed all but three of his passes in the 2022 preseason, is a decent fallback plan if he can’t get a deal done with Jackson. 

You don’t have to like my take to admit that if the Ravens thought Lamar Jackson was really the guy in Baltimore, his deal would already be done.

Let that sink in.

Fernando Tatis Sr Is Only Making Things Worse For His Son

We need to talk about Fernando Tatis.

And no, I’m not talking about the superstar San Diego shortstop that has squandered the first year of a $340 million dollar contract by crashing a motorcycle and testing positive for a low-level steroid.

I’m talking about the OG Fernando Tatis. The one that’s out here trying to defend his son from legitimate criticism by trying to blame Major League Baseball for the mistake of a very grown, and very rich man. 

Fernando Tatis Sr, who was in the big leagues during the steroid-driven home run race, and the subsequent years of testing and suspensions, should know as well as anybody that there’s no room for error or excuses when it comes to banned substances.

Tatis Sr, who curiously had a career average of one home run per every 17 at bats when he was Mark McGwire’s teammate, and one home run every 37 at bats when he wasn’t Mark McGwire’s teammate, said that baseball has cost itself millions of fans by upholding the letter of the law in his son’s suspension.

Millions of fans? Million with an S? The Padres have only made the playoffs once since Fernando Sr. retired, and in that time averaged just over two million tickets sold per season. They’ve already outsold last year without Fernando Jr taking the field, does Fernando Sr really think the stadium will just be empty now that his son continues to not show up for a brand new reason of his own doing?

Look Fernando- maybe your son got a bad haircut, maybe he got ringworm, maybe he got a prescription for the completely wrong drug, which would be extremely easy to prove, and maybe he applied that wrong drug to his ringworm. Even if all that happened in the way that Fernando Sr claims it did, absolutely nothing changes about the result. Fernando Tatis Jr. tested positive for a banned steroid and the penalty is clear.

And we’re not even going to get into pitching legend Pedro Martinez blaming the Padres for being unaware that their young superstar shortstop was allegedly spraying ‘roids into his fungal rash. The Padres are paying Tatis Jr. to not do stupid things. The money should be enough. Beyond that, if it was Tatis Jr’s intention to cheat, why would the Padres ever be in the know?

At the end of the day, baseball fans, especially the modern ones, are more than willing to forgive and forget when a player owns up to trying to gain an edge in coming back from an injury. What they aren’t good at is having to digest that the young superstar on their team is too stupid to use the correct medication while coming back from an off-the-field injury, and too immature to do anything without a team-appointed babysitter. 

At the end of the day, it isn’t the MLB doing irreparable harm to Fernado Tatis Jr.

It’s his own father, and people like Pedro Martinez doing the damage.

And there isn’t any type of prescription spray that can clear up this type of damage.

Let that sink in.

Column: The Lesson Youth Sports Parents Need To Take From “Coach Frogg” Arrest

I want to talk about keeping our young athletes safe from sexual predators.

This week audio surfaced of one of the most notorious private coaches in the country making inappropriate remarks to a young girl. He seemed to be asking her to go to the movies, and rebuking her for saying no.

That coach was Chris Flores, who also goes by Coach Frogg. 

Coach Frogg was the co-founder of Stars Academy, and the co-founder of Levels Sports Group– an arrangement that allowed him to train some of the most elite young athletes in California, and then move them into a business relationship to help them secure Name, Image and Likeness deals. He was a well connected individual, and the key word here is ‘was.’

Coach Frogg went from throwing sessions with Patrick Mahomes, and hanging out in Tuscaloosa with Nick Saban, to getting booked on multiple counts of sexual assault of a minor.

Coach Chris “Frogg” Flores with Alabama Head Coach Nick Saban

He went from having a stable of prep, college and NFL clients, including some of the top ranked players in this year’s graduating class, and the defending Heisman and Biletnikoff winners, to having his mugshot spread nationwide.
The man has thrown away more than can fit in a dumpster.

Police are saying they expect multiple additional victims to come forward, and if you’ve been following the case as it unfolds, you know that Coach Frogg is no stranger to accusations of impropriety within the California youth sports community.

Every time something like this happens, communities come together in shock. They grieve for the victims, and then re-litigate what could have been done to prevent the tragedy of having a disgusting evil loser prey on their children’s aspirations, and rob them of their innocence.

You always hear people say “I never expected this in my community,” but at this point, why shouldn’t you? If you Googled “Coach arrested” this week to get information about the Chris Flores case, you would have had to sort through stories in Indiana, Montana, Florida, Pennsylvania and Colorado just to get to this one. 

Look, Not only am I a father, I’m a father of several kids playing youth sports at a high level right here in California. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always know the best way to challenge or support my kids in their athletic pursuits. 
I do know that I was taught that better competition means better results, so it makes complete sense to me that there’s an Academy where the best of the best can sharpen each other’s skills. And as long as it’s what your kid wants to do, and as long as it’s not taking away from their time to be a kid, I’m not going to tell another parent that they’re in the wrong.

But I do want parents of young athletes to take a moment to examine their hearts, and ask themselves if their motives might create an opportunity for blind spots when it comes to having people with bad intent around their children.
We’re all smart enough to tell our kids not to take candy from a stranger with a windowless van, but if that candy is stars or scholarships or NIL money, some of us will pick up our kids and throw them into the van ourselves.

Listen up, moms and dads- As long as your kids have you, they’re going to be just fine. A private coach can help skill development and open doors, but they’re not the golden ticket- you are.

Too many parents look at the time and resources they put into their kids’ athletic success as an investment. Your child isn’t an IRA. Time and money spent on a child is a sunk cost, not an investment.

Your satisfaction with your child, or their experience, should never be dependent on what you get back for the time, money, or energy you put behind them. 

We all know people that lost big money by trying to come up on risky investments. Maybe they took that risk because they could afford it. Maybe they took that risk because they didn’t want to be left out of a gold rush. But when they lose, there’s always a moment where the warning signs along the way come into focus. It’s one thing to have regret about your portfolio- it’s another when that regret comes at the expense of the safety of your flesh and blood.

People are willing to ignore that a guy like Coach Frogg is out here like a 1990’s Puff Daddy dancing in his artist’s videos, as equally devoted to his own personal branding as he is the success of his clients, because they don’t want to be left behind. 

People are willing to ignore the impropriety of a 37-year-old man making TikToks with middle school girls, because they don’t want to be left behind. 

People are willing to let their daughters have unmonitored phone conversations with an adult male coach, because they don’t want to be left behind.

You never know when your kids’ playing days are going to end, but trust me on this- they will end. Your sons and daughters are going to be much better off in the long run without you ignoring your gut to keep up with the Joneses because you want a good return on your investment.

Remind yourself, and your kids, that their worth to you isn’t dependent on what they accomplish. And for God’s sake, be their parent above trying to be their friend. Stay in their business. Monitor who they talk to and where they go. Don’t be afraid to outline your expectations directly with their school, their coach, or their friend group, or the other parents so that the village raising the children can be on the same page.

Is it comfortable to have a conversation with your kid or their coach about what is and is not appropriate? Hell no. But if you’re in a situation to have a private coach, you’ve already indicated to your kids that you expect them to leave comfort behind for the sake of growth. The least you could do is get uncomfortable along with them.

Let that sink in.

Wrighster Reacts: Serena Williams is the GOAT and Shouldn’t Compare Herself to Tom Brady

We need to talk about is the competitive fire that has Serena Williams looking at a 45-year old Tom Brady and feeling like her career is in any way less than complete.

As a spectator and consumer of women’s sports, and a fan of excellence, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like I was missing out on something every time an elite female athlete has to take a year off to grow and birth another human being. 

It makes complete sense to me that Serena Williams would struggle to reconcile two of the best things in her life. The idea that because she’s a woman, parenthood takes away from the potential of athletic greatness is something I’ve never had to even consider. 

That’s what brings me to my point. Maybe we, and by we I’m including Serena Williams, shouldn’t be looking at the physical labor of expanding a family as an unfair gender dynamic that leaves male athletes in a more admirable position to achieve longevity and maximize their potential.

Maybe we should look at it as proof that female athletes like Serena Williams, Candace Parker, Allison Felix and everyone else that has managed to not only return to form after pregnancy, but actually improve, are actually the pinnacle of athletic accomplishment. 

Maybe the next time Tom Brady retires, we should be hearing him make aspirational references to the accomplishments of Serena Williams instead of the other way around. 

Or maybe we don’t need to compare the greats at all. Maybe we can just chalk this up to the same competitive fire from Serena that would have her throw a second place trophy in the trash rather than put it on display in her home. 
Serena isn’t second to anyone. She’s one of one. And as her career winds down, I hope she can make peace with the idea that if anyone can say they had it all, it was her.

Let that sink in.

Reaction to the Mar-A-Lago FBI Raid Shows People Only ‘Back the Blue’ When it Suits Them

We need to talk about the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home.

Yesterday the FBI made a surprise visit to the 45th President’s South Florida home, reportedly looking for classified documents that the Trump administration failed to turn over. 

It’s an unbelievable and unprecedented event for many reasons, who would have ever thought that the Feds would be raiding the home of not only a former president, but an individual that has a realistic probability of being the next president.

 That is, as long as Florida governor Ron DeSantis doesn’t split the party by running in 2024.

The real reason that this FBI raid feels so unbelievable, is that after 7 years of the Trump administration stumbling their way into legal trouble, either through ignorance or incompetence, it was starting to feel like the family was invincible. 

Despite a laundry list of people that committed crimes in the process of either trying to get Donald Trump elected, trying to protect him while he was in office, or capitalizing on his presidency with an illegal grift (Shout out to Steve Bannon), it was never a member of the Trump family that had to be incarcerated or pardoned.

Not when payments were made to various women to discourage disclosures of affairs.

Not when a case could be made that the administration obstructed the investigation into Michael Flynn.

Not when the administration used the office of the president to promote commercial products manufactured by supporters.

Not when people seeking pardons were directly hiring one of Donald Trump’s attorneys to grease the wheels.

Not when a case could be made that firing James Comey was an obstruction to an investigation into Russian interference.

Not when the administration clearly pressured the Georgia Secretary of State to overturn election results.

And not, maybe until now, when the administration held onto classified documents, and turned over already destroyed documents to the National Archive and Records Administration.

After seven years of seeming invincibility, they’re gonna get this man over some paperwork.

And let’s be honest- they better get this man. You already have tens of millions of Americans that have convinced themselves that not only are we on the brink of civil war, but that they’re firmly on team Trump once the shooting starts. If nothing comes from this FBI raid, the people that believe there’s a Deep State whose sole purpose is to keep the Trump from draining the swamp, the same people that hold Ashli Babbitt up as a martyr, are going to make life in this country absolute hell.

And if there is a red-hat rebellion, you better believe those people that have spent the better part of the last seven years calling for law and order when it comes to Hillary Clinton’s emails, Hunter Biden’s substance abuse, Nancy Pelosi’s bank account, Asylum seekers at the border, Brittany Griner in a Russian airport, Eric Garner, Mike Brown and George Floyd at convenience stores, or a 12-year-old Tamir Rice on goddamn playground, will abandon their back-the-blue principles in the name of their orange savior just like Ashli Babbit did.

Because if we’re being honest, support for law enforcement from the populist right has never been about the welfare of the people behind the badge. To them, protect and serve means ‘protect me,’ and ‘serve me.’

Cops take three months to make an arrest in the Ahmaud Arberry murder case because they took the word of the killers? Unbothered. Back the blue. But let cops attempt to stop Trump supporters from hunting down the Vice President? Back the Blue becomes black and blue real quick.

When Donald Trump said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody without losing support, it wasn’t a metaphor. And if that scenario did play out in reality, do you think Trump’s most aggressive supporters would simply let a homicide detective slap cuffs on the Donald?

I’m not out here to cape for the FBI. That organization has done nothing to deserve anyone’s unrelenting support, and some of the people on the left that are cheering them on right now were almost certainly criticizing them a couple of years ago for failing to act on a tip about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz. There’s a chance the Feds screw this up, and I hope they understand the full gravity and danger of pursuing a case against a former president in a country that is already at a boiling point.

To quote Omar Little, “You Come at the King, You Best Not Miss.

Let that sink in.

Cale Gundy is Out At Oklahoma After Using N Word, Wrighster Reacts

We need to talk about Cale Gundy.

The University of Oklahoma WR coach, who has spent 28 of the last 32 years either playing for or coaching at Oklahoma, abruptly resigned this weekend after using the n word in a team meeting. 

Gundy says he noticed a player not paying attention in a team meeting, and he took the players’ iPad and read what was on the screen out loud. 

According to Gundy, it was not intentional, and he immediately apologized. 

Before we get into whether Cale Gundy should still have a job, we need to acknowledge some universal truths:

1) White people shouldn’t be saying that word. Ever. 

2) White people that want to have a conversation in my mentions about whether it’s a double standard that black people can use that word need to stop wasting time and energy and refer back to number one. 

If you didn’t want us to have that word for ourselves, then your ancestors shouldn’t have given it to us. Throw a seance and take it up with them. 

How and when that word is used now is black people’s business. You don’t own the issue, and going out of your way to try and own the issue makes it seem like that’s not the only thing you wish you owned.

3) Of course intent matters, but that’s not Cletus or Billy Bob to adjudicate. This is an issue for the current black players and black alumni to sort out- not just about whether Clay Gundy should continue to coach, but whether he’ll continue to be a presence in their lives. 

I believe in second chances, but I’m not in the Oklahoma receivers room. 

Joe Mixon, who is enjoying his NFL career right now after receiving a pretty big second chance himself, wrote an impassioned letter defending Gundy. 

Many others seemed to rush to Gundy’s defense, but Gundy has decided for himself, unless there’s some internal pressure from Oklahoma that we haven’t heard about, that he needs to step away from his role. 

Cale Gundy is taking accountability for his mistake on a much deeper level than Utah defensive coordinator Morgan Scalley has, or Former TCU Head Coach and current Texas assistant Gary Patterson, or even his own brother Mike Gundy, who reportedly used that language maliciously toward University of Colorado players back in his playing days at Oklahoma State.

At this point, instances of white coaches using the n word has happened frequently enough that it’s time for football coaches to do the thing they’re best known for- prepare and plan. 
I realize that in Gundy’s case, if you believe him, you can’t prepare for a Ron Burgundy teleprompter moment, but for the rest of the white coaches out there, it’s time to take note of this trend and train your mouths and minds on what might cost you your career, divide your fan base, your locker room, and negatively affect your university’s ability to recruit.

Let that sink in.