Let’s make some babies. The new Big Three arrived on This Is Us.
This Is Us Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: “In The Room”
Kevin, Madison, and the assist from Randall
Let’s start with the most famous member of the Pearson family, Kevin, who was in a race against time to join Madison in the delivery room. While Kevin battled the TSA, Madison battled her contractions as she did her best to wait for her fiancé’s arrival. Excuse my ignorance if battling contractions is not the proper term. Apologies to all of the strong mothers out there!
Alone and afraid, Madison received an unexpected call from Randall and Beth as they traveled home from New Orleans. The duo did their best to calm Madison down as she prepared for labor. I was ecstatic to watch Randall in a good mental space. It takes a toll on my well-being to watch Randall suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. More Hanson stories, fewer tears.
Thankfully, Kevin arrived before the birth of the twins. Did anyone else feel cheated of an explanation regarding Kevin’s conversation with the TSA agent? He gave this magnificent speech in last week’s episode, and it apparently worked. However, I wish there was a scene at the airport where the TSA agent explained her rationale for letting Kevin on the plane. It could’ve been Kevin’s Jerry Maguire sprint through the airport scene.
Nevertheless, the twins arrived, and their names are Nicholas, in honor of Uncle Nicky, and Frances, after Madison’s grandmother. Kevin called Randall to share the good news and apologize for his actions in the argument to end Season 4. Randall forgave Kevin and wished him well. Not to toot my own horn, but… toot.
Kate And Toby Welcome A New Daughter
Kevin wasn’t the only member of the Big Three preparing for parenthood as Kate accompanied Ellie to the hospital for the birth of her daughter. Due to COVID, Toby waited in the parking lot like he was tailgating for a football game.
Ellie gave birth to a baby girl named Hailey with Kate by her side. However, Ellie went against her own orders and asked to spend time with the baby before giving her to Kate. The writers teased the idea that Ellie would keep the baby, leaving a devastated Kate to watch from afar. Instead, Ellie reassured Hailey that by giving her to Kate, she would be doing the right thing. Eventually, Kate greeted and caressed Hailey as Toby, who bonded with Arlo aka Senator Mitchell Chapin from Amazon’s Jack Ryan in the parking lot, virtually looked on. Toby chose Rose as Hailey’s middle name in honor Arlo’s wife, who finally reunited with her husband.
Rebecca Reminisces At The Cabin
In the past, Rebecca and Jack retreated to the cabin for a romantic getaway. After a pipe burst, they argued about the Big Three and how they’re growing up too quickly. Rebecca reassured Jack that their family will always remain strong and survive. Truthfully, that hurt to watch knowing that Jack dies years later.
In the present, Rebecca bonded with the nicest guy to ever exist, Miguel. Rebecca thanked Miguel for always being there for her especially after Jack died. Just like Jack’s death crushed our morale, Miguel’s death will crush our souls. Yes, I’m calling my shot.
On a group FaceTime between Kate, Kevin, and Rebecca, Kate dubbed the babies as the new “Big Three.” I can’t wait for a Big Three episode centered around these three kids in a flash-forward.
I also want to make note of the storyline between Esther Pariente and Nasir Ahmed. It was a touching tribute to the man who helped develop video transmission.
Next week, we’re going back to the past as Jack and Rebecca bring the Big Three home from the hospital.
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