Fresh Start

I am a New York Giant! I have a fresh new start with one of the best franchises in NFL history. It is a great opportunity to play in a big market and an opportunity to play for a championship team. I played in Jacksonville for 6 years and those years will always hold a […]

America’s Favorite Game!!!

The NFL owners and NFLPA must get the CBA extended. An uncapped year would destroy what makes the NFL America’s favorite game. One word: parity (along with a little violence), is the reason why men, women, boys and girls love “the shield”. In no other sport does the teams in the playoffs vary as much […]

Cattle Call

Imagine this… There are 100s of NFL coaches and front office executives sitting in big comfortable chairs facing a stage like they are gonna watch a concert, equipped with note pads in hand, waiting for the show. On the sides of the stage are men who have been doing nothing but getting their bodies in […]