HTH: James Harden Fan Shame, Durant Won’t Leave Golden State, Transfer Portal

Hot Takes house James Harden fans Kevin Durant GSW NCAA Transfer Portal

The Hot Takes House is on the open for business. It is a compilation of scorching hot opinions that won’t turn into Freezing Cold Takes material. In this edition: James Harden fans are shameless people with character flaws, Kevin Durant would be crazy to leave the Warriors, and the NCAA transfer portal is getting ridiculous. Do not read any further if you are easily triggered. Read. Share. Leave a Comment.

James Harden Fans Have No Shame

I’m not sure how James Harden fans are not embarrassed to call him their favorite basketball player. His ridiculous amount of flopping and his refusal to consistently give defensive effort are shameful. In general, fans like their athletes tough, rugged, and mentally tough. So, I do not understand why so many James Harden apologist exist.

It is so frustrating to try and watch an NBA Playoffs game, but have to suffer through Harden flailing around and faking hurt. By no means is Harden the only NBA player that flops. His serial abuse of flopping is just the most absurd in the league. Harden is strong and built like a tank compared to most players, but he flops whenever players get close to him. Could you imagine Jordan, Kobe, Bird, LeBron, Durant or any other champion doing this?

And then there is Harden’s negligence on defense. The Rockets will NEVER win an NBA championship until he changes his style of play. No team has ever won a championship when their best player gives poor effort on one side of the ball. The producers of ‘Shaqtin A Fool’ could make an entire show about Harden every season.

As a fan, how can you be proud of this? Maybe his fans are just the segment of the population that wants credit and praise for a job performed half right.

Two Reasons Kevin Durant Won’t Leave The Warriors

Assuming the money is right, Kevin Durant would be foolish to leave the Golden State Warriors. So many media and NBA analyst from Ric Bucher, to Chris Broussard have all but guaranteed Durant’s exit from Golden State. I believe that Kevin Durant is too smart to leave GSW.

Easy Basketball: 2019-20 Will be Durant’s 13th season

Players want to play fewer minutes and win more as they get older in the NBA. Durant has never had gotten easier shot attempts or had to carry less of the weight than he does with Curry, Thompson, and Green on the team. In his first nine seasons in Oklahoma City (Seattle), KD faced double teams, played a ton of minutes, worked extremely hard for shots, and only had one chance for a championship. In three seasons with the Warriors, he has a Finals MVP, two NBA Championships, and is making a run at a third. He plays fewer playoff minutes, averages more points, and shoots a higher % from 3, 2-pt, and free throws than OKC.

Durant’s Silicon Valley Investments

Durant has maximized his time in the Bay Area financially. He has started his own venture capital company which has partnered with some Silicon Valley heavyweights. His company reportedly has equity stakes in Rubrick, Acorn, Pieology, and Lime Scooters. Money does travel across state lines, but proximity and relationships matter in business. Warriors majority owner Joseph Lacob made his money in venture capital and mentors Durant in business.

I’m supposed to believe that Kevin Durant, who wants to score, win, and make money will let a couple beefs with Draymond make his life harder? Nah. I don’t buy it.

NCAA Transfer Portal is Getting Out of Control

We have covered the NCAA and its hypocritical and unfair practices extensively on Unafraid Show. I believe the players should have the right to transfer more freely and unencumbered like coaches. However, a lot of these kids are getting bad advice from their inner circles. These kids are transferring at the first sign of adversity. Right now there are nearly 1,000 players who have entered their names in the college football transfer portal. If a player enters his name in the portal, it doesn’t mean a player will transfer, schools can pull the players’ scholarship.

It is nice to say “I played as a true freshman”, but sometimes that adversity that you face by redshirting is the best thing for your growth. These young players need to understand that the push you need to achieve your dreams is often found in the struggle to get there.

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NBA: Are You Buying the Golden State Warriors “In the Building Pass” ?

What would an avid Golden State Warriors fan pay to be “In the Building” to experience the excitement of their games? Would a fan be willing to pay upwards of $2,000 for VIP seats? How about paying around $500.00 for a “decent” seat? Or would a fan be willing to pay $100.00 just to be in Oracle Area during home games (without being able to see any live action)?  This is what the Warriors are banking on with the introduction of their new “In the Building Pass.”

The “In the Building Pass” is a new subscription-based service that gives its subscribers access to Oracle Arena on home games. Subscribers can enter Oracle arena to watch the games on T.V. screens while enjoying the restaurants inside. However, subscribers will not have access to any live action.  No food or drinks is included. Fans may purchase this subscription for the low-low price of $100.00 per month. Best of the all the subscription does not include any arena access to postseason games. It is essentially paying $100 per month to say, “I was there” or so fans can get good Instagram pictures at the stadium. Is the “In the Building Pass” really worth it? 

The Worth of the “In the Building Pass” Depends on the Fan

The Warriors is arguably the NBA’s greatest team since Michael Jordan dominated with the Chicago Bulls (Bulls) in the 1990s. In fact, the Warriors beat the record held by Jordan’s Bulls for the most wins in a season in 2016. However, the 1995-1996 Bulls still reign supreme because they finished their amazing winning season with a Championship, which the Warriors were unable to do.  The Warriors fell to the Cleveland Cavilers in the 2016 NBA Finals where King James and friends pulled off the seemingly impossible. In spite of not polishing off their almost perfect season, the Warriors have remained an extremely entertaining team to watch.

Watching the Warriors is truly a unique treat.  Fans are sure to be dazzled with a myriad of unbelievable three-pointers by the Splash Brothers. Fans are sure to be entertained with spectacular dunks by Draymond Green and Kevin Durant. Is the magic of this team enough to warrant spending $100.00 per month just to be in Oracle Arena on gameday and not have the slightest glimpse of the live action? It does not seem so.  The “In the Building Pass” essentially amounts to watching the game at a bar.  Only, the bar is inside of Oracle Arena. However, this may be of value to some because this is the Warriors last season in Oracle Arena. Outside of being in the arena, there is nothing to make the subscription worth $100.00 per month. A fan could go watch the game at an Applebees and not spend anywhere near $100.00.

What Would Make the Subscription Worth It?

First, the subscription would be a better value if there was at least standing room access to view the live action. Several baseball teams offer passes that grant standing room access to view the games. Also, the subscription would be a better value if it included a drink and an appetizer for each game. Similarly, the New York Yankees offer the Pinstripes Pass that starts at $15.00. The pass includes a drink and standing room access to watch the games. However, each pass is only good for one game. If the Warriors included a drink or food and game viewing access the subscription would be a better value to view one of the most historic teams in NBA history.