Kevin dominated last night’s episode, but Kate and Randall stole the show with two big reveals at the end of This Is Us.
This Is Us Season 5 Episode 4 Recap: “Honestly”

Kate’s Secret Pregnancy
The promo for episode four used the classic bait and switch technique. The short video clip teased a conversation between Kate and Ellie about adoption and if Ellie was having second thoughts. That idea was quickly squashed after Ellie said she was conflicted about her own life but still wants to give her baby to Kate and Toby. It turns out that the name Kate picked for the child, Chloe, prompted a negative reaction from her past life.
However, the conversation with Ellie triggered a past memory from Kate after Ellie mentioned thoughts about abortion. When Kate was a teen, she was in an abusive relationship with Marc, who had the slimiest of mustaches known to man. After their breakup, Kate realized that she was pregnant.
What did Kate do with her unborn child? I’m guessing she had an abortion, which is why her conversation with Ellie triggered this memory. What I want to know is who knew about the pregnancy besides Kate. Did she tell Marc? Did Kate confide in a friend we don’t know about? As a dedicated viewer, I’ve learned that no character faces problems alone. There’s always someone else involved.
Randall The Stripper
Let’s just call a spade a spade. Sterling K. Brown is shredded. The man is ripped from head to toe. Was his striptease a mistake or an audition for Chippendales?
Back to the topic at hand. Randall’s striptease may have shown off his hard work in the gym, but it also served as a connection to his birth mother, Laurel. At the end of the episode, the Vietnamese grandfather watches Randall’s viral video. Unlike most people, he’s less focused on the dance and zeroes in on the name, William Hill. If you bet that Randall would find out about his birth mother because he stripped in his office at 1000 to 1 odds, then cash your tickets immediately and move to a tropical island.
Is Laurel alive? I’m back and forth on this issue. It would be too fitting for Laurel to be alive. My prediction is Randall meets Laurel’s daughter or son with the Vietnamese man, which would make them half-siblings.
Atta Boy, Kevin
Ever since the middle of the third season, Kevin’s storyline interests me the most. He’s having twins with Madison, fighting with Randall, and attempting to win an Oscar for his mom. That’s a hell of a platter. Last night focused on his work ethic in both the past and present. As a kid, Kevin’s potential in football began to grow, but he struggled to memorize the plays and put in the work. Thanks to Randall’s color-coded flashcards, Kevin started to bond with his brother and memorize the plays.
In the present, Kevin failed to impress his new director. Instead of quitting, Kevin made more color-coded flashcards, and it appeared to work since his director sent Kevin a gift basket. The episode began to lay the groundwork for Kevin and Randall’s future conversation. Kevin is starting to sympathize with Randall and the issues he experienced as a black kid in a predominately white community.
There has to be an “a-ha” moment for Kevin. What is the moment that will unite the brothers? My money is on the birth of Kevin’s children.
Other News And Notes
– I immediately recognized Jack’s Cool Hand Luke reference. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.
– This Is Us tried to plant conspiracy theories in our heads with the baby name, Chloe. Kate and Toby’s daughter will be named Hailey so after Kate used the name Chloe, the idea of Ellie keeping her baby ran through our minds for precisely 5 minutes. Nice try, writing room, but I didn’t fall for it.
– Malik should forget about his idea to open a restaurant. Instead, he should run for mayor of Philadelphia.
– I’m in the Jamie Chung Hive. Big year for Ms. Chung with Lovecraft Country and a guest appearance on This Is Us. If you have time, watch Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong on Hulu. She costars with her husband, Bryan Greenberg. It’s a charming rom-com that will make you miss traveling.

See you in January when This Is Us returns from its hiatus.
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