The final Big Three trilogy on This Is Us is underway. First up is the oldest member of the trio, Kevin.
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8 Recap – “The Guitar Man“
Stars Are Just Like Us
Kevin might be a successful actor, his true mission is to become a good father just like Jack. He decides to fly cross country with twins and take them to the cabin. Plus, he does it all… wait for it… without a many. See, stars are just like us! The flight is a disaster as both twins cry and poop the entire way there.
Cassidy And The Cabin
Upon arrival, Kevin and Nicky head up to the construction site to check on the progress. Kevin is greeted by Cassidy, who reveals that veterans are the ones working on the cabin project. Much to his dismay, Kevin learns from Cassidy that there has been a setback, which will push back the finish date. Due to his stress from the twins, Kevin lashes out at Cassidy. More on the fallout later.
Speaking of tables, Edie, Nicky, Cassidy’s son, Matty, Cassidy, Kevin, and the twins spend a fun evening together that includes dinner and Monopoly. Kevin apologizes to Cassidy for his outburst, and the duo is on good terms the rest of the night. They even share a few promising looks toward one another as they watch Nicky and Edie dance while Matty tries to play the guitar. Have we found love in a hopeless place?
The happy moment ends when Kevin receives devasting news about Cassidy, who injured herself in a car accident. At the hospital, Kevin is relieved when the doctor says she’ll be alright and they can visit her in the morning. But, Nicky knows that Cassidy is not ok both physically and emotionally. Nicky explains to Kevin how veterans like Cassidy never let you know when they’re not ok. War brings out the worst emotions in people, and those memories are never forgotten. Nicky suggests for Kevin to stay at the hospital, and just “be there” for his friend. No grand gestures are necessary.
While in the waiting room, Kevin begins to doubt his purpose in life, and questions if he will become a man who does the right thing. Kevin’s soliloquy ends when the doctor allows him to visit Cassidy, who is covered in bruises from the accident. Taking Nicky’s advice to heart, Kevin approaches Cassidy with a calming presence and says he’s here to be with her, not to ask her questions. Feeling comfortable to open up about the accident, Cassidy explains how she goes on drives late at night to calm her down. After a great night with Kevin in the cabin, she worried the happy feelings will go away so she stays up all night to avoid ending the day. Nicky, who understands exactly what Cassidy’s going through, arrives and consoles her.
Back at the cabin, Kevin starts to daydream about Jack and his father’s dream of starting Big Three Homes. Kevin runs the idea by Cassidy and Nicky and states his intentions to hire more veterans to build the house. As we know from the flash-forward, Big Three Homes and Kevin the Contractor will come to fruition.
The Deep End
In the past, an ambitious Kevin begs to swim in the deep end, but Jack says he must first learn how to swim before he can go off the diving board. In 1999, teenage Kevin heads to the same pool, which is shutting down, to drink a few beers and sulk over Sophie. Kate and Randall try to cheer him up, and Kevin foreshadows his future as a contractor by saying he doesn’t have a “foundation” and aspires to be like Jack who put a “roof over their head.” Who doesn’t love a good foreshadowing reference?
Also, my mom taught me how to swim at age 3. I was swimming in the deep end by age 4. I just wanted that on the record.
Next week is all about Kate. Maybe something good will happen in her marriage with Toby.
I doubt it.
What are your thoughts on last night’s episode of This Is Us? Leave your thoughts in the comments below or tweet me, at @danny_giro.
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