As someone who has always wanted to play the piano, tonight’s episode of This Is Us made me want to take out the keyboard from under my bed, and tickle some keys. But first, the recap.
This Is Us Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: “Day of the Wedding”
Welcome To Kate’s Second Wedding
This Is Us is on the move once again as we say goodbye to Katoby and hello to Phate. The show picks up at Kate’s second wedding where the flash-forward from Season 5 left off. Kevin is practicing his speech, Randall is helping Nicky to his room, and Kate is preparing to marry Phillip.
For Rebecca, her health is rapidly deteriorating. It’s come to the point where she constantly mistakes Kevin for Jack. Being the good son that he is, Kevin plays along and pretends to be Jack whenever his mother calls him by his father’s name. Speaking of Kevin, Madison and Beth find a bra, poem, and floral jacket in his room. Did Kevin sleep with someone? More on that later.
When Randall visits his mother, he notices Miguel’s blood pressure medication and begins to wonder if Miguel is sick. Randall’s questions about Miguel’s health increase when he notices his constant shaking when lifting his glass up for some wine. When confronted by Randall, Miguel cracks and says that everything is happening too fast. Miguel is playing the role of caretaker and he can’t slow down Rebecca’s Alzheimer’s. The stress has caused “whiplash” for Miguel, and he confides to Randall that he just wanted one normal day where he doesn’t have to talk about Alzheimer’s or be reminded of his dead best friend. It’s a heartbreaking scene. I will drink wine with you, Miguel. Name the time and the place and I’m there.
Rebecca’s Hair
In the past, Rebecca decides to do something drastic in order to spice up her routine. She gets the Princess Diana haircut, and it’s met with mixed results. Kevin says the hair reminds him of Peter Pan while Kate compares it to He-Man, which are both funny jokes in this blogger’s opinion.
It’s clear Rebecca finds the stay-at-home wife pattern repetitive while Jack finds a routine comforting due to his tough upbringing. To comfort his wife, Super Jack puts on his cape and shaves his goatee, leaving only his signature mustache behind. Later that night, the happy couple spend date night at a restaurant, which ends with Rebecca behind the piano, singing a song.
Piano (Wo)Man
It was time for the actual wedding, and everything went according to plan. Kevin goes the comedic route during his speech while Randall elects for a touching (but depressing) speech about time. Randall gets the nod for a better speech. Then, Rebecca is summoned to the piano to play a special song. Despite her fading memory, Rebecca is able to remember her notes, find the right key, and play a beautiful song for Kate and Phillip.
Kevin’s Mystery Woman
I’d be lying if I said the most interesting aspect of the episode was Kate’s wedding. I’m more interested in Kevin’s mystery woman. At the end of the episode, Randall asks Kevin how his night went, which leads to a flashback of the night prior involving three women: Sophie, Cassidy, and the wedding singer. When asked if it’s a good story, Kevin says that he does not know yet.
Well, next week is titled “The Night Before the Wedding” so we will get answers. Sophie is the sentimental choice. Cassidy is the choice that makes the most sense. The wedding singer is not the right choice, but she will somehow share her wisdom with Kevin which will inspire him to chase Sophie or Cassidy.
See you next week.
What are your thoughts on this episode of This Is Us? Tweet me, at @danny_giro.
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