UCF: CFB Playoffs Can Never Be Better than March Madness Until Cinderella Gets In

The College Football Playoffs committee’s failure to pick the University of Central Florida (UCF) for the second year in a row is proof that the tournament will never be as exciting as March Madness. Every year when March Madness begins fans are at the edge of their seats waiting to see what likely championship contender will fall prey to the tournament’s “Cinderella” team. For example, in last years tournament, the very unlikely University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) knocked off the University of Virginia. The emergence of a “Cinderella” team is a major part of what makes March Madness so exciting.  However, the College Football Playoffs (CFP) is unlikely to ever experience the excitement of a  “Cinderella” team. The committee’s failure to give UCF a bid in the tournament for two years is proof of this.

For the last two seasons, UCF has been unstoppable. UCF finished their 2017 and 2018 seasons undefeated for a combined 25-0 record. Despite having two perfect seasons and knocking off Auburn after they beat Alabama, UCF was not extended the opportunity to be the possible “Cinderella” team in the College Football Playoffs (CFP) either year. If UCF beats LSU in the Fiesta Bowl on Dec. 30 they would have defeated the SEC elite in back to back seasons. With two perfect seasons, why is UCF being overlooked? The structure of the CFP is to blame.

Participants in the college football playoffs are chosen by the CFP committee.  The committee considers a number of factors. Those factors are not favorable to teams, like UCF, who are not in Power Five conferences. Accordingly, the CFP structure does not allow a team such as UCF to be eligible for the tournament no matter how perfect their season. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that the CFP will ever experience the excitement of a “Cinderella” team swooping through the tournament and upsetting the most likely championship contender. This is precisely why the College Football Playoffs needs to be expanded to include more teams.

College Football Playoffs Structure Neglects Non-Power Five Schools

General success during the football season does not equate to automatic CFP eligibility – obviously. The CFP committee considers several factors in addition to on-field performance.  The committee considers the number of games lost, the point spread in games, and the strength of each schools schedule. The strength of the schedule is judged based on the teams each school faces. Schools with tougher schedules are given more weight during CFP selections.

In most cases, schools in the Power Five conferences are considered to be the tougher schools. Due to this, schools that are not in Power Five conferences, like UCF,  are unlikely to get a real chance at the CFP. Group of Five schools, such as UCF,  find it difficult to schedule games with Power Five schools.  The lack of such games on the schedule makes it extremely difficult for Group of Five schools to clinch a spot in the CFP. This is exactly where UCF fell short in the CFP considerations.  A substantial amount of UCF’s victories were not against what is considered a “strong” school.

Group of Five Schools Must Face the “Right” Power Five School

It is not sufficient for a Group of Five School to face just any Power Five school. The school must face the “right” Power Five school.  This is also evidenced by UCF.  Over their last two seasons, UCF successfully faced the University of Maryland of the Big 10 and the University of Pittsburgh of the ACC.  However, these games were not enough to give UCF a leg up in the strength of schedule category.

Some may argue that UCF should have been given serious consideration by the CFP committee for the 2018 CFP based on their win against Auburn in last year’s Peach Bowl.  Auburn beat Alabama in last year’s SEC championship.  Alabama went on to win the CFP last year. Accordingly, some argued that UCF could possibly be defending the CFP title this year. Unfortunately, the fact that UCF defeated Auburn in last year’s Peach Bowl had no bearing on the CFP committee’s considerations in 2018.

However, that did not stop fans from fantasizing about what would have happened if UCF had been given their due. Some fans made the logical leap that UCF may have defeated Alabama in the CFP if given the opportunity. Some UCF fans went as far as to attempt to bait Alabama into facing UCF to settle the debate regarding who is the true national champion. As exciting as that game would be, it will probably never happen.

Since Such a Match-up is Unlikely to Happen, the CFP will Never be as Exciting as March Madness

Since the CFP structure does not favor “underdog” teams, the tournament will always have a certain level of predictability. A tournament that is too predictable simply is not exciting. That is the beauty of the March Madness tournament, its unpredictable nature.  Yes, there are teams that are in it every year. Teams such as North Carolina, Duke, and Kentucky are almost certain to make an appearance every year.  At the same time, any of those teams could get knocked off by the most unlikely opponent.

For example, in 2012 the underdog Norfolk State University beat Missouri.  Missouri was heavily slated to go to the Final Four and was unpredictably knocked off by the most unlikely opponent. Games like that are the excitement of the March Madness Tournament. The CFP is unlikely to ever know that excitement as long as underdogs like UCF are never given a chance to play on the CFP stage. For this reason, the CFP should be expanded to give more teams an opportunity to play on college football’s grandest stage. As long as the qualifications for CFP consideration remain, the CFP will never be as exciting as March Madness.

College Football Players Are Not Obligated to Play in Bowl Games

Will Grier Bowl Games Sitting West Virginia

Why do fans expect an “amateur” football player to put his career and livelihood on the line for what amounts to an exhibition game? On Saturday, West Virginia University announced that starting quarterback Will Grier will not be participating in the Camping World Bowl game against Syracuse. His decision not to participate in bowl games to focus on preparation for the NFL Draft did not sit well with some college football fans. He joined the list of more than a dozen players who will skip their teams’ bowl games.

Grier made the following statement informing fans of his decision.

Fans have no right to be upset with unpaid “amateur” athletes for choosing to further their professional careers.  After all is that not what a major part of the college experience is all about, learning to make tactical business decisions to be better professionally.  Grier did just that.  He made a tactical business decision to protect his potential professional career by not subjecting himself to injury in the bowl game.

Furthermore, Grier is slated to be a first or second-round draft pick. Would it really make sense for Grier to jeopardize his NFL draft potential by playing in a bowl game? The answer is simple. No, it would not make sense.

The Minimal Reward is Not Worth the Risk

The risk of injury in bowl games simply is not worth it for a college football player with a high NFL Draft potential. Bowl participants receive what amounts to very little for their participation. Participants receive a bowl gift and bragging rights for a year. Bowl gifts are nice and fun. However, they are minuscule when compared to the salaries and bonuses that coaches receive for bowl participation. This is especially true for a player like Will Grier who has already accomplished the pinnacle of what college sports and “amateurism” is supposed to be about – degree completion.

A degree is extremely valuable and can lead to a better life. Receipt of scholarship money to acquire a degree is very valuable as well.  However, a scholarship often does not equate to a college athlete’s full market value. Why should a player with the potential to finally receive their full fair market value for their athletic prowess risk a potential career ending injury in a game that is not going to compensate him up to his full value? Again, the answer is simple. No athlete should take that risk.  No fan should expect them to.

College Football Players Should not be Vilified for Opting Out of Bowl Games

Suiting up for any game carries a risk of injury. However, dissenting fans argue that it is only one more game, so the players should play. While it may only be one more game, the risk of injury is ever-present. In fact, the risk of injury is so prevalent that Grier is not the only player sitting out of a bowl game this year. In the past, players like Jaylon Smith and Jake Butt have suffered a serious injury which impacted their draft position.  Specifically, Ed Oliver, Rashan Gary, N’Keal Harry, Greedy Williams, and Grier’s teammate Yodny Cajuste are among those that have opted out of their respective bowl games this year to prepare for the NFL.

Some fans are equally upset by these decisions.  They argue that such players are being selfish and are quitting on their teams. However, that is not true. The players who opt out are not doing it to quit on their team. They are doing it to protect their future career prospects so that they may finally receive market value for their talents.  Despite what fans may think, college football players are not obligated to risk a career-ending injury for their viewing pleasure. Accordingly, players who opt out should not be vilified for their decision.

Players are not the Only Ones who Opt Out; Coaches do Too

Players are not the only ones who opt out of bowl games.  Coaches opt out as well.  Every year, several coaches leave their teams to take jobs at other schools in the midst of bowl game preparation.  Coaches are allowed to make business decisions for the betterment of their careers, just as players should be.

Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, college football is a business.  Therefore, all parties involved should be allowed to make decisions that are in the best interest of their careers. This freedom of movement may upset some fans. However, players and coaches should be able to make whatever decision is best for their career.

College Football: Before You Fire Your Head Coach Take the US Coaching Test

Coaching Test

Tis’ Firing Season

It is abundantly clear that many schools do not make good decisions when it comes to deciding whether to retain or fire their head coaches. So I am here to help. I have come up with a simple, absolutely genius, and foolproof Coaching Test to determine whether or not your head coach needs to be fired.
Thanks to social media, fans, and boosters that scream about wanting their coaches fired are now heard. More often than not get their wish granted. As of November 29th, there have been 12 FBS head coaching jobs that have come open. None of these coaching changes were unexpected, but sometimes coaches are fired prematurely. Often, coaches are on an extremely short leash and are expected to win now despite the dysfunction they inherited. Fans and boosters want Clay Helton, and Gus Malzahn fired at USC and Auburn. But should they be gone as well?

2019 Coaching Changes

Coaching Test
With some coaches having large buyouts, there are obvious financial ramifications to firing a head coach. In addition to financial ramifications of firing the coach, there is often a lot of uncertainty when you don’t know who the next head coach is going to be. Many fan bases that have called for their coaches to be fired are learning a hard lesson. You may get your wish with your coach being fired, but your new coach may be from the “scratch and dent bin.” There are good coaches in the scratch and dent bin, but they aren’t perfect and have some unsuccessful times in their history. But you got what you wanted, a new coach. Take Kliff Kingsbury for example. After Texas Tech fired him, his phone started ringing off the hook with job opportunities. Tell me if you think Kingsbury should have been fired after you take the test.

Unafraid Show Coaching Test

Every head coach needs to be reevaluated every season. It does not matter whether the coach went undefeated and won the championship or went defeated and zero games. You only need to answer two questions two know whether your coach needs to be fired or not.

Number one:

Is there a coach that is guaranteed to take your job that is better than your current coach? Example: James Franklin is the head coach at Penn State. He seems to be doing a good job, but anyone clearly would fire him if Dabo Swinney or Nick Saban would replace him. Often coaches are fired, and the schools have no clue who will replace him.
I believe that is part of the reason USC did not fire Clay Helton. How many established, and winning head coaches would be willing to leave a successful program to go to USC. Coaches are more often valuing the stability at a top 11-25 job rather than jumping at the chance to coach a top 10 team.

Number Two:

Is there still hope? Can your current coach go into the living rooms of 17-21-year-old kids and sell them and their parents on the fact that the future of your program is brighter than the past? Can you make them buy in, believe, and go all in with you?
If you can’t answer both of these questions in the affirmative, then you need a head coaching change. The Unafraid Coaching Test is a simple and foolproof test. If Athletic Directors and administrators answered these two simple questions every season, they wouldn’t consistently mess up their programs. This method of determining whether to keep or fire your coach is an easy explanation to the boosters and other influential people around your program. It will keep the waters from being muddied by people with personal agendas and faulty reasoning. When Athletic Directors and administrations listen to the mob of angry fans, they mess up their programs by firing a coach too prematurely, or they rely on their gut/pride and keep the coach too long.
The angry mob of fans and boosters change their minds like the wind; their opinions cannot be trusted in the short term. Think about this.  Last year Florida State fans couldn’t wait to get Jimbo Fisher out and Willie Taggart in. Now, they would happily take Jimbo back. Texas fans were unsure about Tom Herman’s prospects as head coach. Now the Longhorns fanbase is smiling.
Here are a couple of common questions I got when I explained this on #UnafraidShow:

What if the coach is winning, but he can’t recruit?

If your coach can’t recruit, then he can’t win long term. If he can’t win, there will be a loss of hope. When the loss of hope happens, fire your coach. Don’t fire a winning coach!

What if the coach recruits well, constantly goes 8-5 or 9-4, and can never get you “over the hump”?

This is clearly referring to Kevin Sumlin at Texas A &M last year. TAMU was able to get Jimbo Fisher who has won a national championship. So, firing Sumlin was a good move. If they had missed on Jimbo, the Aggies would have ROYALLY screwed up. A coach who recruits well and consistently stays in those win totals is really close to breaking through. If you miss on the big fish, you will wish for him back two years from now.
Next time you get into a discussion about whether or not the coach of your favorite team needs to be fired refer to the Unafraid Coaching Test.

Big Ten Power Rankings Week 14: Winner Gets the Rose Bowl or CFB Playoff

Big Ten Power Rankings Week 14

Can anyone find the Michigan defense? The Wolverines defensive unit has not been seen in a few weeks because whoever showed up in Columbus were not part of the number one defense in the country. Going into “The Game,” the most amount of points in a game that Michigan allowed was 24 to Notre Dame. Ohio State nearly tripled that amount as they scored 62 points on their way to a 23 point victory. As Michigan’s Playoff hopes died, Ohio State’s dreams were reborn, but before we talk about the postseason, do no forget about Northwestern in the Big Ten Power Rankings Week 14.

Here are last week’s Big Ten Power Rankings for reference.

14. Rutgers (1-11)

Lost to Michigan State, 14-10

I know I’ve been bashing Rutgers the past couple of weeks, but I will give credit where credit is due. They played hard against Michigan State and deserved to win. That being said, there are no moral victories in the Big Ten. Chris Ash was on the hot seat going into this season and despite a 1-11 year, Ash will return for another season. This move is head scratching, but ask yourself this: Can anyone save Rutgers?

13. Illinois (4-8)

Lost to Northwestern, 24-16

Illinois hung around the entire game against Northwestern before losing by 8 points. However, the biggest story for the Illini was the decision to extend Lovie Smith’s contract an additional two years. The Illini made some strides this year, but Smith has won only 9 games in three years. Does that merit an extension? All eyes will be on the quarterback position in 2019 as they welcome five-star recruit Isaiah Williams to the program.

12. Indiana (5-7)

Lost to Purdue, 28-21

After a 4-1 start, the Hoosiers went 1-6 in their final 7 games to end the season and ruin their chances of making a bowl game. On the bright side, Stevie Scott is an excellent running back and finished off his strong freshman season with 104 rushing yards and 1 TD.

11. Maryland (5-7)

Lost to Penn State, 38-3

For Maryland, it was a season of some highs, but many lows. A win over Texas was the highlight of a season clouded in controversy. Now that the DJ Durkin debacle is past the Terps, they can move on to finding a new coach to turn this program around. Many believe their first call will be to current Alabama offensive coordinator Mike Locksley, who had two stints on the Maryland coaching staff.

10. Nebraska (4-8)

Lost to Iowa, 31-28

It may have taken 6 games to reaffirm their coaching decision but Nebraska hired the right guy to turn this program around in Scott Frost. The Cornhuskers went 4-2 over their last 6 games and only lost by a combined 8 points in two games. Quarterback Adrian Martinez is going to be a Heisman favorite going into next season. Watch out for Nebraska.

9. Michigan State (7-5)

Beat Rutgers, 14-10

I’m only putting Michigan State ahead of Nebraska because of their bowl eligibility status. Other than that, Michigan State had a disastrous season and it would’ve hit rock bottom had it not been for a touchdown by Cody White on an end-around to take the lead against Rutgers late in the fourth quarter. Michigan State will play in a bowl game to cap off their disappointing season.

8. Wisconsin (7-5)

Lost to Minnesota, 37-15

What a disappointing season for the Badgers, who had Playoff hopes coming into the year. No one expected this Wisconsin team to be this bad. In fact, Lee Corso picked Wisconsin to win the National Championship this past August!

I understand Alex Hornibrook was hurt throughout the year, but he is not the answer at quarterback (4 turnovers against Minnesota in the loss). The good news is that star running back Jonathan Taylor will be back for at least one more season. Plus, the Badgers will play in a bowl game to end the season.

7. Purdue (6-6)

Beat Indiana, 28-21

After starting the season 0-3, Purdue rallied to go 6-3 and become bowl eligible for the second straight year. As I stated last week, the only storyline at Purdue is the status of coach Jeff Brohm. Will he go to Louisville or will he stay at Purdue? His impending decision will have a huge impact on the direction of this program. If I’m a Boilermaker fan, I’d start saying my prayers to keep Brohm.

6. Minnesota (6-6)

Beat Wisconsin, 37-15

Row. The. Boat. It’s a huge jump in the rankings for Minnesota (10 to 6), but they deserve it after throttling their rival, Wisconsin, to take back Paul Bunyan’s ax and become bowl eligible. This was Minnesota’s first win over Wisconsin since 2003. P.J. Fleck is one hell of a coach, and it’s clear that he is building something special at Minnesota. I’m a believer.

5. Iowa (8-4)

Beat Nebraska, 31-28

Iowa finished its season off on a high note with a game-winning field goal as time expired to defeat Nebraska, 31-28. At one point, Iowa controlled it’s own destiny to make the Big Ten Conference Championship game, but losing three straight games in the middle of conference play derailed their chances. Iowa will most likely play in the Outback Bowl or Holiday Bowl.

4. Penn State (9-3)

Beat Maryland 38-3

In their last dress rehearsal before a bowl game, Penn State put the beatdown on Maryland, which is something they needed to do in order to impress the committee. Going into Saturday, Penn State was a long shot to make a New Year’s Six Game. Now, I believe it can happen because of brand recognition (popularity) and their position in the rankings. Penn State will finish in the Top 12, but that does not guarantee entrance to a New Year’s Six game. Penn State will need both LSU and Washington State to drop below them in the rankings (which should happen this week) and pray Oklahoma beats Texas in the Big 12 Championship. If all three of those things happen, Penn State will play in the New Year’s Six.

3. Northwestern (8-4)

Beat Illinois, 24-16

Northwestern has managed to escape these past few weeks with close wins against inferior opponents, but I’m not putting that much stock into those games. It’s hard to focus on the task at hand when their ticket to the Big Ten Conference Championship game was punched weeks ago. Make no mistake about; this is a good Wildcats team. Can they beat Ohio State? Sure, anyone can beat anyone on any given day. Is it likely to happen? No, but crazier things have happened. No matter what, Northwestern had a special season that their team and fans should be proud of.

2. Michigan (10-2)

Lost to Ohio State, 62-39

To paraphrase the great Pedro Martinez, “Michigan (and Jim Harbaugh) just needs to tip their hat and call Ohio State their daddy.” A lot of fans call it big brother vs. little brother, but in all actuality, it’s father vs. son. Since 2001, Michigan has beaten Ohio State twice in 18 attempts (counting the vacated win by OSU in 2010). Michigan’s defense was exposed all day as the speed and offensive creativity of the Buckeyes outmatched the Wolverines. Now, Michigan will be the biggest Ohio State fan on Saturday. Assuming Oklahoma is ahead of OSU in the Playoff rankings, Michigan may need OSU to win and both Georgia and Oklahoma to lose for the Wolverines to go to the Rose Bowl.

1. Ohio State (11-1)

Beat Michigan, 62-39

At the end of the day, Ohio State is still the big brother. The loss to Purdue was a head scratcher, but after Saturday, it was probably a fluke. Ohio State established their recent dominance once again over Michigan, dropping 62 points on the best defense in the country. Dwayne Haskins made the Michigan defense look like Rutgers as he threw for 396 yards and 6 TDs. Now, the Buckeyes wait and see where they fall in the College Football Playoff rankings. My guess is that they will be at #6, right behind Oklahoma. If that’s the case, Ohio State will have to beat Northwestern and hope both Georgia and Oklahoma lose in their respective conference championship games. Then, Ohio State would be in the Playoff with a win over Northwestern. A lot has to happen, but it’s not impossible. For the second straight year, an embarrassing loss might keep the Buckeyes (and the Big Ten) out of the Playoff.

Only one game remains in the Big Ten season, and that’s Northwestern vs. Ohio State on Saturday night.

Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 14: CFPlayoff Chase

The Rules: No Bias, No Bull

There has been no more unbiased ranking out there than the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 14. I get criticized from time to time by people who only want to see the college football world through the lens of the AP Poll. However, if you go back and look at the rankings for each week, I guarantee you would now agree that I have been 100% right and accurate along the way.

The Unafraid Show College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 14 are not going to look like the AP Poll. Open your eyes to see a different view of evaluating the top 10. Most polls including the College Football Playoff Committee give college blueblood teams a massive “benefit of the doubt.” I don’t believe in that. The College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 14 teams are ranked by the correct criteria: quality wins, schedule played, and dominance. Only the games have played matter.

I re-rank the top 10 every week from scratch. The previous week’s rankings do not factor into the next week. So, the rankings will change, sometimes drastically every week because we will have new information.

Leave a comment or shoot an email: ImMad@unafraidshow.com… Yes, that is the real email address.

1.  Alabama (12-0) Last Week: #1

Nick Saban should be extremely happy with the result of the Iron Bowl. Alabama had a dominant win but made just enough mistakes that Saban can chastise the team. Alabama overcame the emotion of the Iron Bowl and didn’t let Auburn have a real shot in the game. It took two trick plays for Auburn to get 14 of their 21 points. Tua Tagoviloa was sensational as usual. He stayed healthy, all but guaranteed a trip to the Heisman Trophy presentation.

As good as Alabama is, they cannot look past Georgia in the SEC Championship.

2. Clemson (12-0) Last Week: #2

The game against South Carolina was a lot closer for the first half than most people expected. But it’s rivalry week, and great teams always have to fade inspired performances from their rivals. Dabo Swinney is a legend for calling a goal-line toss to DT Christian Wilkins. Then he became lame for getting mad at Wilkins for striking the Heisman pose after the touchdown. How can you possibly get mad at a DT for doing that? That was probably the last time he will ever get a rushing TD.

3. Notre Dame (12-0) Last Week: #3

The Fighting Irish survived a test from USC in rivalry week. Ian Book proved to be the X-factor all season for Notre Dame. He converted so many big third downs running the ball and passing. They will ultimately get in the playoff at 12-0, and will likely be the #3 seed. The biggest question is how will they fare against their likely opponent Clemson? Notre Dame gets the benefit of the doubt as an Independent team that doesn’t have a 13th game. Even if the Fighting Irish doesn’t win their playoff game, it is critical they put on a good showing.

4. Oklahoma (11-1) Last Week: #5

With all due respect to Tua Tagoviloa, Kyler Murray should be the 2018 Heisman trophy winner. He is asked to do more than any other player in college football. The Oklahoma offense has to score 45+ per week to win. And he regularly has to be a magician to will his team to win. So many people bash the Sooners defense for seemingly giving up yards and points at will. However, it was Oklahoma’s defense that came up with two huge defensive scores against West Virginia. We have seen teams win championships in sports with defenses that don’t get a lot of stops but get timely ones. If Oklahoma defeats Texas in the Big-12 Championship, they should be a lock for the top four.

I’m praying we get to see an Alabama vs. Oklahoma matchup.

5. Ohio State (11-1) Last Week: #10

The Buckeyes put up 62 points on the #1 defense in all of college football. Ohio State has cheated playoff death against Maryland, Penn State, and Nebraska only to find themselves in prime position to make the top four. For weeks I have had Ohio State in the top 10 and their fans have said, “We are not a top 10 team, and don’t deserve to make the playoff.” I wonder if their tune will change this week?

It’s amazing how quickly Ohio State went from playing poorly to firing on all cylinders. If the Buckeyes do get in the playoff, they are a team to be feared.

6. Georgia (11-1) Last Week: 7

Georgia is one win away from making the College Football Playoff. That one game does happen to be against Alabama, but so what! Whether it is now or later, the road to the championship goes through the Crimson Tide. Jake Fromm has been playing his best football towards the end of the season. The Georgia running game and defense are extremely solid as well. Only a few will be giving Georgia a chance to win the SEC Championship. I am giving them a chance because I saw the 18-0 Patriots lose the Super Bowl to the Giants.

7. Central Florida (11-0) Last Week: #8

Another dominant win by Central Florida. But, UCF was dealt a devastating blow. They lost their junior leader and quarterback McKenzie Milton to a horrific knee injury. They will not be discounted in the rankings because Ohio State has proven that you can lose two quarterbacks in one season and still win the national championship. With the chaos that can ensue during conference championship games, we may actually see the Knights make the College Football Playoff.

8. Michigan (10-2) Last Week: #4

The revenge tour ran into a speed bump at the fourth stop. Michigan fans have to be frustrated with the performance against Ohio State. The only person to blame is Harbaugh. They were out schemed and outcoached by Urban Meyer. Jim Harbaugh is a late adopter to the idea that in this era of football great defense alone cannot beat great offense. Even Nick Saban had to adjust his offensive strategy. Harbaugh refuses to change. 0-4 to Ohio State should be enough to rethink strategy.

Michigan commits to playing great defense but doesn’t make the same commitment to explosive offense. That will need to change if Michigan intends on competing for the national championship in 2019.

9. West Virginia (8-3) Last Week: #9

West Virginia is a good football team but ran into a buzzsaw named Oklahoma. Their offense played extremely well, but two costly turnovers ultimately sealed their fate. Will Grier should end up with an invite to the Heisman trophy presentation. While 9-2  is a good season, it is not nearly what the Mountaineers fans expected in Will Grier’s senior season.

10. Washington State (10-2) Last Week: 6

Washington State played Washington in a virtual blizzard. I hate the fact that the game wasn’t played in good conditions. I would love to see how the SEC teams would fare if they had to play a game in a “white-out.” The Cougars playoff and Rose Bowl hopes are done. However, they still have a shot to make a New Years’ Six Bowl if things fall their way.

Next Up:

Penn State, Utah, Florida, Texas, Washington, LSU

I know some of you are steaming mad right now because your team is ranked too low or is unranked. Take a breathe and realize that your fandom is causing irrational thoughts. The College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 14 is accurate, unbiased, and unafraid.

Big Ten Power Rankings Week 13: All Eyes On Columbus

Big Ten Power Rankings Week 13

After weeks of “what ifs,” the game college football fans wanted to see is happening. One loss Michigan will play one-loss Ohio State for a chance to represent the Big Ten East in the conference championship game. Penn State, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan State didn’t go down without a fight. The road to get to “The Game” was bumpy (thanks, Ohio State), but it all worked out in the end as both teams’ will look to not only win the game on Saturday but improve their chances of making the College Football Playoff. Strap in. It’s game time in the Big Ten Power Rankings Week 13.

Here are last week’s Big Ten Power Rankings for reference.

14. Rutgers (1-10)

Lost to Penn State, 20-7

The streak continues for all the wrong reasons. Rutgers has not won a Big Ten game since November 4, 2017, and that streak continued this past weekend after their loss to Penn State. This season can’t end any faster for the Scarlet Knights. Rutgers travels to Michigan State to finish off their season (from hell).

13. Illinois (4-7)

Lost to Iowa, 63-0

Illinois either blows you out or gets blown out. Last weekend, Illinois was on the wrong side of a 63-0 blowout courtesy of the Iowa Hawkeyes. What’s worse is that their best running back, Reggie Corbin, left the game after 1 carry with an ankle injury. Illinois closes out the season on the road against Northwestern.

12. Indiana (5-6)

Lost to Michigan, 31-20

Michigan definitely overlooked Indiana this past weekend. Credit the Hoosiers for taking advantage of Michigan’s slow start as Indiana went into halftime up 17-15. Despite losing the game, Indiana proved a lot to me. In particular, running back Stevie Scott has the chance to be the best player in the Big Ten for years to come. Scott set the record for rushing yards by a true freshman at Indiana with 1,033. Indiana closes out their season at home against Purdue on Saturday.

11. Maryland (5-6)

Lost to Ohio State in OT, 52-51

I don’t feel too bad when teams lose. It’s part of the game. However, this is a rare case where I feel extremely bad for Maryland. This win could’ve changed the program in a year that has been plagued by scandals and controversies. I absolutely loved the call to go for 2. The receiver was open too and even after a bad throw, the ball still hit his hands. That win could have changed the college football landscape. Hats off to Maryland for competing in one of the best games of the year. Maryland travels to Happy Valley to take on Penn State.

10. Minnesota (5-6)

Lost to Northwestern, 24-14

Minnesota hung around in the game longer than expected as they entered the fourth quarter down 13-7. However, this game was more about Northwestern’s special season than Minnesota’s growth. PJ Fleck is slowly building a program that can compete in the Big Ten West. They will put the rest of the conference on notice for next season if they knock off Wisconsin on the road this Saturday.

9. Purdue (5-6)

Lost to Wisconsin in triple OT, 47-44

Purdue lost a barn burner to Wisconsin in triple overtime. It happens. However, the biggest storyline concerns their head coach, Jeff Brohm, and his status at Purdue. Once Bobby Petrino was fired at Purdue, “Jeff Brohm to Lousiville” watch has started. Brohm was born in Louisville, played at Louisville, and coached at Louisville. Louisville is going to throw the kitchen sink at Brohm to try and sway him away from Purdue. Although Brohm has a great recruiting class coming in next year (25th in the nation), will that be enough for him to stay? We soon shall see. Purdue travels to Bloomington to play Indiana on Saturday.

8. Michigan State (6-5)

Lost to Nebraska, 9-6

Michigan State wants to run the ball and play defense. The defense played well on Saturday against Nebraska, holding them to under 250 yards and 9 points. The running game was solid as well as they accumulated 143 yards rushing. However, I’m baffled that the Spartans decided to throw the ball FORTY ONE times (only completed 15 passes) with their backup quarterback in bad weather. I don’t understand that thought process whatsoever and frankly, it cost the Spartans. Michigan State plays Rutgers at home on Saturday.

7. Nebraska (4-7)

Beat Michigan State, 9-6

The Cornhuskers did it again and this time, they did it without scoring a single touchdown. The high powered Nebraska offense was held in check by the Michigan State defense (and the weather) as the Cornhuskers only accumulated 248 yards. However, the Cornhuskers came back from a 6-0 defeat to score 9 unanswered 4th quarter points, all off of field goals. Nebraska has now won 4 out of 5 games and will look to finish on a high note on Friday as they travel to Kinnick Stadium to face Iowa.

6. Wisconsin (7-4)

Beat Purdue in triple OT, 47-44

A Wisconsin team was able to win a shootout? Say it ain’t so. Lead by Jonathan Taylor’s career-high 321 rushing yards and 3 TDs, Wisconsin was able to comeback and defeat Purdue in triple overtime, 47-44. It still boggles my mind that in a game where the Badgers put up 47 points, quarterback Jack Coan only threw for 160 yards. (Coan did have 2 TDs). Wisconsin needs a a stud at quarterback in order to take them to the next level in 2019. Wisconsin closes out its season at home against Minnesota.

5. Iowa (7-4)

Beat Illinois, 63-0

I’m not an expert, but I believe Iowa was mad at their performance against Northwestern from a week ago because they swept the leg and showed Illinois no mercy in a 63-0 win. Iowa outscored their last four opponents 133-82. Do you want to know what their record is in those four games? 1-3. This Iowa team has “Outback Bowl Winners” written all over it. Iowa will face a surging Nebraska team at Kinnick to close out the season on Friday.

4. Penn State (8-3)

Beat Rutgers, 20-7

What is going on with Penn State? This dynamic offense could only score 20 points on Rutgers. Trace McSorley has to be playing hurt. I have no other explanation. However, with West Virginia’s recent loss, Penn State made it’s way back into a New Year’s Six game according to CBS Sports. To keep that spot, Penn State will have to beat Maryland on Saturday in an impressive fashion.

3. Northwestern (7-4)

Beat Minnesota, 24-14

The magical season from the Wildcats continued as they defeated Minnesota on the road in a hard-fought victory. Northwestern already knows it will be playing for a Big Ten Championship, but that doesn’t mean you want to enter the game playing your worst. I expect Northwestern to play hard this Saturday against Illinois to gain some momentum for the title game.

2. Ohio State (10-1)

Beat Maryland in OT, 52-51

I’m speechless. Maryland wins this game 9 out of 10 times if they play this fourth quarter over again. However, Ohio State only needed one time to win and they escaped College Park with a one-point victory in overtime. Quarterback Dwayne Haskins saved his best game of the season for when his team needed him the most. 315 yards passing, 3 touchdowns to go along with 59 yards rushing and 3 TDs. With the victory, Ohio State kept its Big Ten title hopes alive and will play Michigan on Saturday for the right to play Northwestern.

Side note: Is Urban Meyer healthy? I would never wish ill will on someone’s health. If Meyer is truly sick, by all means, do whatever it takes to get better. That being said, what happened on the sideline during this game? When Ohio State was down, it looked like he was dying. When Ohio State battled back to win, he had more pep in his step. Was it just adrenaline kicking in? Maybe. All I know is that it was weird to watch.

1. Michigan (10-1)

Beat Indiana, 31-20

It wasn’t pretty, but Michigan overcame a 17-15 halftime deficit to defeat Indiana at home 31-20. This matchup screamed trap game, and that’s exactly what happened. However, thanks to six field goals from kicker Jake Moody, Michigan did just enough to escape with a win and more importantly, keep their #4 ranking, which is the last spot in the College Football Playoff. Michigan’s destiny is in their hands. To keep their playoff hopes alive, Jim Harbaugh will have to do something that he has never done in tenure in Ann Arbor, which is beat Ohio State. This could be the year it happens. Michigan travels to Columbus to play Ohio State on Saturday.

Michigan vs. Ohio State. Saturday, 12:00 PM on Fox. Be there.

Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 12: Chalk for Now…

College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 12

The Rules: No Bias, No Bull

There has been no more unbiased ranking out there than the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 12. I get criticized from time to time by people who only want to see the college football world through the lens of the AP Poll. However, if you go back and look at the rankings for each week, I guarantee you would now agree that I have been 100% right and accurate along the way.

The Unafraid Show College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11 are not going to look like the AP Poll. Open your eyes to see a different view of evaluating the top 10. Most polls including the College Football Playoff Committee give college blueblood teams a massive “benefit of the doubt.” I don’t believe in that. The college football top 10 teams are ranked by the correct criteria: quality wins, schedule played, and dominance. Only the games have played matter.

I re-rank the top 10 every week from scratch. The previous week’s rankings do not factor into the next week. So, the rankings will change, sometimes drastically every week because we will have new information.

Before we get to College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11, you can reference the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings for Week 10.

Leave a comment or shoot an email: ImMad@unafraidshow.com… Yes, that is the real email address.

1.  Alabama (10-0) Last Week: #1

Watching Alabama play this year is like watching Mike Tyson in the early years. If you tune in 5 minutes late, you will miss the knockout. They were up 14 zero on Mississippi State before you could blink. Alabama did see the best defense they have seen all season. Tua Tagoviloa only finished with 164 yards with a touchdown and an interception. And the offense struggled to put points on the board. Even though this was Alabama’s most competitive game of the season, it still wasn’t close. Their defense has not allowed a single point in consecutive weeks. Very impressive.

As long as Alabama doesn’t look past Auburn and Georgia, they will cruise to the SEC championship and College Football Playoff.

2. Clemson (10-0) Last Week: #2

There are so many similarities between the #1 and #2 teams. The Clemson defense matched Alabama’s defense this week. They pitched a shutout. The only points they allowed were on a punt return. Alabama gave up a touchdown this week as well, but a phantom penalty called it back. The Tigers defense has locked it down for the last month, while their offense has been steady and high powered. Clemson’s true freshman quarterback Trevor Lawrence is growing up fast, but his play will be the difference between a trip to the College Football Playoff and a National Championship.

It feels like Clemson and Bama are on a collision course for the national championship.

3. Notre Dame (10-0) Last Week: #3

Any doubt Notre Dame had coming into the game without their starting quarterback Ian Book was quickly forgotten. The Fighting Irish jumped out to a commanding 32-6 halftime lead. It was a 26 point lead, but it felt like 100 points. Brandon Winbush had a couple of interceptions in the 3rd quarter.  It is clear that Notre Dame Book back in the lineup if they hope to beat Syracuse and USC to finish the season undefeated.

Chaos always happens in the rankings in November. Notre Dame will be looking to make sure they are not the victims who miss out on a top-four spot.

4. Michigan (9-1) Last Week: #4

Michigan’s offense is not explosive, but they are efficient. They lean on the defense, don’t make mistakes, and don’t turn the ball over. Then you look up and realize they scored 42 points. And the Wolverines defense is like a boa constrictor. They just squeeze and squeeze the offense until they break and turn the ball over. The #1 defense in college football has only gotten better since their week one loss to Notre Dame. This is an impressive football team.

I’m hesitant to pick Michigan to make the final top four because they have a huge mental hurdle to overcome in two weeks named Ohio State. It does look like the stars are aligning for Jim Harbaugh and the Michigan faithful.

5. Oklahoma (9-1) Last Week: #5

I am still bullish on the Sooners and their offensive prowess. I am also terrified by their defense. This defense hasn’t been much better since they fired Mike Stoops as defensive coordinator. However, the stats and dominance show that Oklahoma’s offense is even more unstoppable than Alabama’s. And that is saying a lot. They put up an eye-popping 702 yards against Oklahoma State. Kyler Murray is the only player that may give Tua Tagoviloa a run for his money for the Heisman trophy.

The Sooners have only been held under 37 points once this season. And that was against Army who had the ball for literally three-quarters of the game.

If you answered 0-20, it only shows your bias. There is not a team in college football that could keep the Sooners under 20 points. I’m not saying they would beat Bama, but damnit their offense will make it competitive.

6. Georgia (9-1) Last Week: 7

The cream has risen to the top in the SEC. Georgia is playing so well right now that there is a lot of “what if Georgia beats Alabama” talk starting. The Bulldogs are dominant running the ball. They have rushed for over 300 yards in back to back weeks. Kirby Smart and the crew have smartly gone all-in on pounding the football. They likely would never have lost to LSU if they had kept running the football. As long as Georgia can run the ball at that pace and isn’t turning the ball over, they cannot be beaten.

If the Bulldogs have an Achilles heel, it is the passing game. If their running game gets slowed can Jake Fromm have 300+ three-touchdown performance to win the game?

7. Washington State (9-1) Last Week: 7

Washington State needed a dominant win after playing a close game against Cal last week. They easily disposed of Colorado on the road. Gardener Minshew has to be on target to take home some postseason hardware for the best passer in college football. He was below his season average, but nobody can complain about 335 yards and a pair of touchdown passes. By the metrics, the committee uses it seems unlikely the Cougars will make the playoffs. But, if a few things break their way, don’t be surprised if they slide in the back door.

8. West Virginia (8-1) Last Week: #8

The Mountaineers dominated TCU in every way possible. West Virginia had two rough weeks in the middle of the season, but it fair to say they are peaking at the right time. Will Grier had another performance that validates his 1st round draft pick hype. He finished with 343 yards passing and three touchdowns. The Big 12 is often criticized for not playing defense because their offenses are so explosive. However, this West Virginia team has allowed 17 points or less in five of their nine games.

If the Mountaineers do win the Big 12, I wonder if the committee will hold the fact that they will have one less win than everyone else against them (NC State game canceled due to hurricane).

9. Central Florida (9-0) Last Week: #9

Last week I said Central Florida had played too many close games against inferior competition to warrant significant #CFBPlayoff consideration. They took that criticism and put up a good performance against Navy. Ultimately the Knights will not make the playoffs. But I do believe missing out two years in a row will create enough momentum for the Group of Five schools to take action and put themselves in a better position to make the playoffs.

10. Ohio State (9-1) Last Week: #10

Another uninspiring victory by the Buckeyes. Michigan State has a tough defense, but Ohio State’s offense continued to struggle. They only converted 33% on 3rd down, and only averaged 2.7 yards per rush. And the Buckeyes only managed two offensive touchdowns. All of these struggles will be erased if they take care of business against Maryland and win the big one against Michigan.

Ohio State is a team that was projected to make the playoffs until about a month ago. They will need some better performances to propel them up the rankings.  If it comes down to the Buckeyes and another one-loss team like Oklahoma they may be on the outs unless something changes.

Next Up:

LSU– (a two-loss team that didn’t score a point against Bama and struggled to put Arkansas away)

Syracuse, NC State, Florida, Texas

I know some of you are steaming mad right now because your team is ranked too low or is unranked. Take a breathe and realize that your fandom is causing irrational thoughts. The College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 12 is accurate, unbiased, and unafraid.

Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11: No Margin for Error

College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11

There has been no more unbiased ranking out there than the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11. I get criticized from time to time by people who only want to see the college football world through the lens of the AP Poll. However, if you go back and look at the rankings for each week, I guarantee you would now agree that I have been 100% right and accurate along the way.

The Unafraid Show College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11 are not going to look like the AP Poll. Open your eyes to see a different view of evaluating the top 10. Most polls including the College Football Playoff Committee give college blueblood teams a massive “benefit of the doubt.” I don’t believe in that. The college football top 10 teams are ranked by the correct criteria: quality wins, schedule played, and dominance. Only the games have played matter.

I re-rank the top 10 every week from scratch. The previous week’s rankings do not factor into the next week. So, the rankings will change, sometimes drastically every week because we will have new information.

Before we get to College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11, you can reference the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings for Week 10.

Leave a comment or shoot an email: ImMad@unafraidshow.com… Yes, that is the real email address.

1.  Alabama (9-0) Last Week: #2

Alabama is the class of the SEC and College Football. After week 10 I believe we can all agree that Bama is a juggernaut and the rest of the SEC is just like every other conference. Anyone can get beat on any given Saturday (with Clemson as the exception).

Alabama heard all the people saying they would to lose to LSU and told them to have a seat and be quiet. The Crimson Tide’s schedule has been extremely light this season. Playing tougher teams multiple weeks in a week out does fatigue a team mentally and physically. And Alabama has not experienced that, but I’m not sure it would have mattered who they played this season.

It feels like a foregone conclusion that the Crimson Tide will win the National Championship, but remember the New England Patriots looked unbeatable at 18-0, then proceeded to lose the Super Bowl. So, you never know.

2. Clemson (9-0) Last Week: #1

This is the time of year that teams jockeying for playoff seeding are trying to make statements. Clemson clearly made a statement by unmercifully beating Florida State, NC State, and Louisville over the last three weeks.

Dabo Swinney made the correct move when he made Trevor Lawrence the starting quarterback. The Clemson offense has been more dynamic and consistent since then. Winning the ACC is a foregone conclusion for the Tigers. Gearing up for what feels like an inevitable matchup with Alabama for the title has to be priority number one.

3. Notre Dame (9-0) Last Week: #3

If Notre Dame wins their last three games, there is NO chance they get left out of the playoffs. Oklahoma, Michigan, Washington State, West Virginia, Ohio State, and Georgia all have to be rooting for the Fighting Irish to drop a game. Ian Book continues his solid play and feels like the new prototype college quarterback. He is a terrific passer, but also adds a lot of value extending playing and picking up first downs with his legs.

In an interview on College Football GameDay head coach, Brian Kelly was already talking about the playoffs and a potential rematch with Alabama. I have to wonder if Kelly and his team could be looking past games against Florida State, Syracuse, and USC.

4. Michigan (8-1) Last Week: #6

I officially believe in Michigan. The Wolverines did horrible things to Penn State. Their defense is smothering, and unquestionably the #1 defense in the nation. This defense could absolutely slow Alabama’s offense down. The only question is will their offense be able to produce against Bama’s notoriously stingy defense.

The “eye test” tells me that Michigan is a better team than Notre Dame, at this point. However, the fact that Notre Dame beat Michigan week one cannot be ignored. If it came down to the last playoff spot could anyone in good conscience put Michigan over an undefeated Notre Dame?

5. Oklahoma (8-1) Last Week: #5

We have learned two things about Oklahoma this season. Their offense is unstoppable, and their defense can’t stop nosebleed most times. Unless the Sooners lose another game, they will 100% be in the top four of the CFB Playoffs. Chaos always ensues in November and the Sooners will be the beneficiary. It will be interesting to see if a team like Michigan or Alabama who is so good defensively can stop the most potent offense in college football.

Kyler Murray has to be a Heisman Finalist and could possibly win the award if he has more heroics over the last month of the season. Oklahoma is what Washington State would be with 4-5* athletes all over the place, except Washington State plays better defense.

6. Georgia (8-1) Last Week: 7

We have to give Georgia credit for wins against Florida and Kentucky though neither team is nearly as good as the hype that surrounded them. The Bulldogs are in a tight spot when it comes to making the College Football Playoffs. They already have one loss and have to play Alabama in the SEC championship. Anything but a win will keep them out of the top 4, but a New Years Six bowl is surely in Georgia’s favor.

The Bulldogs only need to guard against a let down versus Auburn or Georgia Tech over the next three weeks.

7. Washington State (8-1) Last Week: 9

Something special is brewing in Pullman, Washington. Mike Leach has turned one of the worst college football teams into a playoff contender. No one expected their success after they lost their starting quarterback Tyler Hilinski to suicide during the offseason. However, graduate transfer Gardener Minshew II has shown up and thrown for nearly 400 yards per game.

If one of nations top defenses cannot stop the Cougars, they should be able to finish their Pac-12 schedule unscathed.

8. West Virginia (7-1) Last Week: #NR

It seems Will Grier and the Mountaineers are peeks at the right time. They had ugly games against Kansas and Iowa State in the middle of the season, but have bounced back nicely. We appear to be headed for an Oklahoma vs. West Virginia Big 12 championship game. Dana Holgorsen has his opportunity to deliver on the expectations of West Virginia fans if he can get 3 more wins out of his team.

Just like every other Big 12 team, the only question about this team is their defense. Can they get enough stops against teams that want to run the football to win in the playoffs?

9. Central Florida (8-0) Last Week: #8

Central Florida is the Rodney Dangerfield of college football. They do good things but get no respect. The Knights have won 21 straight football games going back to last season, but have no hope of making the top four. Their schedule has not been good, but until last week had been better than Alabama and other teams in the top 12.

Central Florida is not doing themselves any favors by playing close games against Memphis and Temple. Neither of those teams is as bad as some of the cupcakes on other top 10 teams’ schedule. However, the other teams in the Unafraid Show’s College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 11 have been dominating their inferior competition.

10. Ohio State (8-1) Last Week: #10

The Buckeyes are sitting at 8-1, but they do not look good right now. They have struggled both offensively and defensively in three consecutive weeks against Minnesota, Purdue, and Nebraska. There is no lack of talent with this team, so their play of late has to be concerning for Ohio State fans. A one-loss Big Ten champion will likely end up in the College Football Playoffs, so there is still time for the Buckeyes to pull it together. Michigan is hot right now, and the last thing Ohio State wants is to be playing poorly heading into their most crucial game of the season.

Next Up:

LSU, Texas,

I know some of you are steaming mad right now because your team is ranked too low or is unranked. Take a breathe and realize that your fandom is causing irrational thoughts. The College Football Top 10 Rankings Week 9 is accurate, unbiased, and unafraid.