So this question has been making its rounds on Twitter. What movie has the greatest soundtrack? Soundtracks have the ability to elevate a bad movie to a good movie (Batman Forever) and turn a good movie into a great movie (8 Mile).
For me, the soundtrack should reflect the overall themes of the movie. Songs can tell a story into how the main characters think and feel. If I listen to songs from a soundtrack outside of the theater, that’s when you know the film will stick with you.
Narrowing down my choice for greatest soundtrack is proving to be impossible. Instead of choosing one soundtrack, here are a few of my favorite soundtracks over the years.
Forrest Gump
When I first saw the original tweet asking for the greatest soundtrack, Forrest Gump instantly came to mind. Since Forrest Gump spans from 1954 to the early 1980s, the film covers a variety of musicians, bands, and genres. Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, The Supremes, Jackson Browne, and Lynyrd Skynyrd are just names off of the iconic soundtrack. Instead of running across the country like Forrest, roll down the windows, go for a drive, and blast the Forrest Gump soundtrack on your next road trip.
Dazed and Confused
Alright, alright, alright. If you love 70s classic rock, then you will love the Dazed and Confused soundtrack. The soundtrack reflected the rebellious personalities for these rising high school seniors. With an uncertain future, finding the next party and enjoying summer break was the main priority, which a lot of us can relate to at the age of 17. With so many classic rock songs to choose from, “Slow Ride” by Foghat during the final scene is the song that sticks out for me.
La La Land
Make Jazz Great Again. If you think you are “too tough or macho” for a musical film, then I don’t want to be friends. La La Land is a delightful film about a jazz pianist and an aspiring actor who fall in love while chasing their dreams in Los Angeles. Unlike a traditional musical, there is a lot of dialogue so it’s not all singing. However, when stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone decide to sing and dance throughout the city, it’s movie magic. I would say I listened to at least one song from La La Land for about 8 straight months in 2017. After you fall in love with the piano arrangements and huge dance numbers, you’ll be listening to a lot of jazz in the future.
A Star Is Born
If you want to tell me that I’m suffering from recency bias or it’s too early to name this the “greatest soundtrack of all-time,” I’ll hear your argument. However, I know for a fact that it’s not to early to call this a great soundtrack in general. Who knew that Bradley Cooper can sing? Cooper and Lady Gaga had unreal chemistry throughout the entire film. The soundtrack is a mix of rock anthems, ballads, and powerful duets. I dare you to say something about about “Shallow.”
West Side Story
The title of “best film adaption of a broadway musical” belongs to West Side Story thanks to the iconic score and lyrics from Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim. West Side Story has it all: romance, action, conflict, and great music. This tragic love story and its themes of loyalty, revenge, and class warfare are still prevalent in 2019. If I had to recommend one musical to watch that any person would appreciate and enjoy, my recommendation would be West Side Story
Honorable Mention:
Almost Famous, Black Panther, Fifty Shades of Grey (100% serious), Grease, Garden State, Purple Rain, Saturday Night Fever, The Sound of Music, Straight Outta Compton
Do you agree with my choices? Do you hate every single one of them? Let me know your choices for greatest soundtrack on Twitter @danny_giro.
If you were one of the people who complained that not enough main characters died in The Battle of Winterfell, then your prayers for death were answered. Tonight’s episode provided two significant deaths that will send shockwaves throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The Night King may be dead, but the true ruler of Westeros still remains. Cersei reminded us that she’s still top dog on Game of Thrones. Here’s my review for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4, “The Last of the Starks.”
Game of ThronesSeason 8, Episode 4: “The Last of the Starks”
-The episode opened with a tearful goodbye to our fallen heroes from the Battle of Winterfell. Lyanna Mormont, Beric Dondarrion, Theon Greyjoy, Dolorous Edd, and Sir Jorah Mormont were the biggest names who tragically fell last week. Jon led a tearful ceremony that ended with the dead being burned. After the battle of ice and fire, ice may have taken many lives, but fire prevailed in the battle of the dead versus the living.
-If I were apart of the Battle of Winterfell and the living defeated the dead, you better believe I would drink my face off until the sun came up. It was time to celebrate as the remaining survivors joined together for a grand feast full of food, wine, and sex. That’s not the worst way to celebrate defeating an army of dead wights and white walkers.
-Congratulations to Gendry on becoming the Lord of Storms End! If you believe Daenerys did this out of the goodness of her heart, think again. Dany knew that Gendry had a claim to the Iron Throne so what was the best way to make sure he’ll never go for the crown? Make him a lord and give him a lot of land. Good move on Dany’s end, but nothing she does will ever surpass the respect the North has for Jon.
-When did Game of Thrones become HBO After Dark? HBO may have removed adult entertainment from the network, but tonight’s Game of Thrones turned Winterfell into a brothel. It seemed like everyone who was anyone wanted to hook up. Tormund couldn’t win over Brienne, but he won over a Northerner instead. Podrick probably spent the night with a lady. Even the Hound caught the eye of an innocent woman. Love was in the air! Fresh off of becoming a Lord, Gendry professed his love for Arya and Arya expressed her joy with a kiss. However, Arya turned down Gendry’s proposal because she is not a lady. Poor Gendry.
-It turns out the Hound has a soft spot for Stark girls. The Hound is not physically attracted to anyone, but he is attracted to confidence and toughness, which are two qualities that are present with both Arya and Sansa. As the saying goes, tough times don’t last, but tough people do and Arya and Sansa are two of the toughest people alive.
-Although love was in the air for most, a black cloud loomed over Jon and Dany’s relationship. Daenerys abruptly left the party because she knows that the North will always fight for Jon and despite whatever he says, the North will always want Jon to be their true king. When Dany confronts Jon later in the night, the two share a passionate kiss, but that spark quickly dissolves because of their secret. If your true love turned out to be your relative, I’d venture to say that you’d lose that spark as well.
Although Daenerys has always exuded confidence, in her meeting with Jon, we finally saw something we haven’t seen in a while, which was a look of nervousness. No matter how many times Jon says he doesn’t want the throne, the fact remains that Jon has a better claim to the realm than Daenerys. Jon could bend the knee one hundred times and it wouldn’t matter because Jon is the last male Targaryen and nothing is going to change that. Dany begs Jon to keep his lineage a secret, but Jon wants to tell his sisters the truth. Jon’s greatest strength and weakness is his loyalty. Jon is just like Ned Stark. His loyalty may cost him his life just like it did with Ned.
-A relationship that was born in Season 3 finally had its payoff as Brienne and Jamie had sex. Nice *Borat voice*. I’m not trying to take away from a sweet moment, but I find it ironic that the one woman Jamie sleeps with besides his sister (lol) also has short blonde hair. The only difference (besides incest) being Brienne is a good person and Cersei is, well, not.
-I was happy that Bronn returned to the show, but I wasn’t thrilled to see him with the crossbow that Cersei gave him. Thankfully, Bronn didn’t kill the Lannister brothers, but he did use them to get a sweeter deal than the one promised by Cersei. This isn’t the last we will see from Bronn. There was an interesting tidbit from Season 5, Episode 4, where Bronn and Jamie discussed how they would like to die. Bronn wants to die a boring death, while Jamie wants to die in the arms of his love. Sadly, both of these warriors might receive what they want in the end.
(Season 5-EP 4) Jamie responds to Bronn’s question of “How would you like to go?” by stating, he’ll love to die in the arms of the woman he loves. Is Jamie going to die in the arms of Cersei? Sadly, after this recent ep, we know he doesn’t love Brienne.
-Did you really think Jon wasn’t going to tell his sisters about his true lineage? OF COURSE he was going to spill the beans to Sansa and Arya. Jon couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it. It’s like Jon has never been to high school. News spreads like wildfire in high school. Nothing stays private and once a secret hits the hallways, it’s going to spread until every last person knows the truth. Dany might think she can keep Jon quiet, but Jon knows he can never tell a lie. He had to tell Arya and Sansa. Plus, once he told Sansa, you knew she was going to tell someone. That person just happened to be Daenery’s hand, Tyrion.
-Speaking of Sansa, her case for being the one who reigns supreme to end the show is getting stronger and stronger after each episode. Dany wants to go to war right away and move south, but Sansa cautions her and says to let her army recuperate. It turns out that Sansa was right. As Dany weakens, Sansa grows stronger. Dany may be able to win a battle, but Sansa can win a war. An interesting point was brought up in this article in the NY Post. Sansa, not Daenerys, may be the one to take out Cersei.
-Tyrion may still believe in Daenerys, but Varys does not. Varys is a schemer and he heavily teased that he will do anything for the realm and if that means betraying Daenerys for Jon, then so be it. Tyrion also knows in his heart that Jon should be King, but he’s not willing to give up on Dany just yet. Notice how Tyrion mentioned treason with Varys. What happens to those who commit treason? They die. My prediction is that Varys will burn for treason at the hands of Daenerys.
Note: Do you actually believe Varys won’t tell anyone about Jon being a Targaryen? HA. Tyrion revealed Jon’s secret to the man who has “little birdies” everywhere. All of King’s Landing might know about Jon’s lineage before Daenerys battles Cersei.
-Daenerys and the rest of the audience for that matter seemed to forget about Euron Greyjoy and his fleet. However, Euron did not forget about her. Euron reminded us that he is a dangerous force that must be taken seriously when he ambushed Daenerys’ troops and killed her second dragon, Rheagal, with the dragon-killing Scorpion. Not only did Euron kill a dragon, but he also destroyed Daenery’s fleet of ships and captured Missandei.
Note: Game of Thrones rarely kills characters offscreen. We saw Rheagal fall to his presumable death, but is he really dead? I think he is, but do not be surprised if Rheagal shows up next week. Also, do not forget about Yara and the Iron Islands. I expect her fleet to show up to take on Euron.
-My biggest takeaway tonight is this: Cersei has and always been the true villain of the show. The Night King was bad, but Cersei is evil. While everyone plays checkers, Cersei plays chess. Cersei is always two moves ahead of everyone else. Inviting the people into Red Keep was a brilliant move because Cersei knows that if Daenerys burns innocent people alive in order to take King’s Landing, Daenerys will never be accepted as the Queen. It’s a brilliant move.
-I’ve never been more confident in my life that Jamie is going to kill Cersei. Although Brienne begged him to stay with her, Jamie left and said that he is hateful just like Cersei. Jamie had to do this in order to let Brienne go. Jamie is not going to King’s Landing to save Cersei. Jamie is going to King’s Landing to kill Cersei in order to save Westeros. This was my number one prediction coming into the season and I’m sticking with it. Here’s a rough prediction as to how it happens:
The Hound and Arya infiltrate King’s Landing and reach Cersei.
The Hound fights his brother, The Mountain.
Arya attempts to kill Cersei, but is stopped by Jamie.
Jamie defeats Arya in a battle but spares her life.
When Cersei believes Jamie came to save her, Jamie turns on his sister and kills her.
Ok this might actually be the single saddest shot of the entire series.
-Finally, let’s discuss the second shocking death of the night. The battle is set. Both Daenerys and Cersei want the other to surrender, which we all know will never happen in a million years. Tyrion begs Cersei to surrender in order to stop the violence and save the lives of innocent people. Cersei responds by ordering Sir Gregor to behead Missandei. Game on. Your move, Daenerys.
-Is Daenerys the Mad Queen? After tonight, she’s about to go scorched Earth against Cersei and King’s Landing. She lost her dragon, best friend, and lover. Once again, Daenerys is alone and can’t trust anyone. Right now, all she has in the world is her rage and her dragon. Missandei’s “Dracarys” was a message to both Daenerys and the audience. Whether you like it or not, hell, fire and brimstone are coming to King’s Landing. Get ready for fire and lots of it.
What did you think about tonight’s episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments or tweet us @unafraidshow.
Check out Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 Review
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, thank you Game of Thrones for television. Tonight’s episode is why I love television more than most people. We’ve been waiting for this battle ever since Ned Stark said, “Winter is coming.” The Army of the Dead arrived and they were ready to take over the world. However, the Army of the Living said, “Not today.” Here’s the review for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3, “The Long Night.”
• Took 55 days to film • 750 people on scene • Longest #GameofThrones episode ever (82 min) • Longest battle sequence in film or TV history & longer than LotR's Battle of Helm's Deep • Miguel Sapochnik directing (Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards)
— Thrones Facts | HOTD 🐉 (@Thrones_Facts) April 28, 2019
-The Battle of Winterfell. HOLY SHIT. I’m still shaking after what I just witnessed. This episode had the impossible task of living up to an insane amount of hype and it came pretty close to doing that.
-So many things to unpack here. I apologize if my thoughts seem jumbled, but I’m still coming down from a high.
-Let’s start with who died for the good guys. These are confirmed deaths.
Dolorous Edd
Lyanna Mormont
Beric Dondarrion
Theon Greyjoy
Jorah Mormont
A decent amount of women and children in the crypts.
A lot of Dothraki, Unsullied, and Northern soldiers
-Once Melisandre returned at the beginning of the episode, you knew she was going to light some things on fire. Lighting the Dothraki swords was a good move. Watching them charge into battle and get slaughtered was not a good move!
-The Dead’s plan was fairly simple. Let the Northerners charge, gain more soldiers, and then charge at them once the winter winds take over. That worked to perfection as they overpowered the Army of the Living. It’s here where we saw our first major death, which was Edd. I don’t blame Sam for running away after he saw one of his friends die.
-When Jon and Daenerys started to burn the dead, my only thought was “Where is the Night King and his dragon?” Well, it’s clear the Night King was waiting for Jon and Dany to get lost in the storm in order to attack. That worked as he was able to injure one of the dragons. However, I didn’t expect the Night King to fall off the dragon, which proved to me that he can be beaten.
-Why didn’t Jon and Dany take their dragons to the trenches and light them on fire more? It was very nice of Melisandre to light the trenches on fire, but once the dead formed a wall with their bodies and breached the castle, more fire from the dragon’s could have helped!
-Did anyone have trouble seeing in general? I understand that a battle at night is going to lead to chaos and confusion. However, I should not have to adjust my television set in order to see more clearly. At times, I felt I was squinting just to make sense of what was going on.
-Lyanna Mormont, you are a badass. You lived like a badass and you died like a badass. I don’t care if you thought that was a cop out. That was just an awesome moment.
While everyone is praising Arya, we should appreciate the courage of Lyanna Mormont who killed a Giant bravely, the Slayer of Giant.
-Another problem I had with the episode dealt with its continuity issues. Game of Thrones is not going to kill a major character offscreen. However, there are multiple times when Jamie, Brienne, and Sam are on the verge of death and the camera pans away from them. We assume they all survive, but the quick cutaway acts as a way to save the character instead of letting the scene play out. If major characters did not die last night, I’m assuming that they will die facing Cersei’s army.
-I absolutely loved the Night King smiling at Daenerys. It turns out that the Night King was more powerful than we thought. Fire cannot defeat him,. I view this is a parallel to Daenery’s quest to become the Queen of Westeros. Fire cannot make you Queen. I don’t see an outcome that ends with Daenerys on the Iron Throne.
-Goodbye, Jorah Mormont. You were a loyal solider to Khalessi and to be quite honest, Dany didn’t deserve Jorah’s loyalty. Jorah would give his life for Danerys and all she did was put him in the friend zone and banish her from the kingdom.
-The crypts was interesting, but not as climatic as I thought it would be. The dead rising was entertaining and the somber moment between Tyrion and Sansa was touching, but overall, it wasn’t that much of a bloodbath.
-Let’s get into Melisandre and Arya’s interaction. Arya, the Hound, and Beric Dondarrion are forced into a great hall. Beric dies and out of nowhere, Melisandre appears. Melisandre states that the Lord of Light kept resurrecting Beric for a specific purpose and now it was evident what that purpose was. Beric’s job was to save Arya. Melisandre and Arya recongize each other from a previous meeting in Season 3. Arya was the only one to step up to Melisandre and right there, Melisandre sensed that Arya was special. Melisandre saw darkness in Arya and that Arya will shut the eyes of brown, blue, and green people and that they will meet again.
Well, they picked a great time to reunite as Melisandre gave Arya the pep talk she needed. Once Melisandre stressed the importance of killing someone with blue eyes, I knew that meant the Night King. Melisandre quoted Arya’s combat teacher, Syrio Forel. What do we say to the God of Death? Not today.
-Theon finally received what he was searching for his whole life, which was acceptance from the Starks. Theon has been running for most of his life. Theon ran away from Ramsay Bolton. He abandoned his sister, Yara when Euron held her captive. He betrayed the Starks and took Winterfell for himself. However, when push came to shove, Theon did his best to defend Bran from the Night King and the white walkers. Bran reassured Theon that he was a good man and that’s all he needed to hear. The Night King made quick work of Theon, but he died as a man with honor.
-Finally, let’s discuss the scene that will be talked about for years to come, which is when Arya killed the Night King. Arya sneak-attacked the Night King, but the Night King caught her in mid-air. However, Arya was able to drop her sword into her off hand, stab the Night King, and dissolve the Army of the Dead. After all of the build-up that made it seem that Jon was destined to fight the Night King, it never happened. I support this decision because it was never Jon’s destiny to kill the Night King. For everyone complaining that Game of Thrones got too predictable, I’d argue the opposite. Arya killing the Night King was a delightful surprise and having Jon kill him in a battle would have been the predictable approach. Plus, Arya fulfilled Melisandre’s prophecy. It was the girl who worked her way up from a little girl to a deadly fighter that saved the world instead of the “Prince Who Was Promised.”
— Thrones Facts | HOTD 🐉 (@Thrones_Facts) April 29, 2019
-This episode is going to be very divisive. On one hand, the show’s conclusion will feature humans versus humans for the Iron Throne, which I’m very much in favor of. However, the white walkers were teased as this unstoppable force throughout the entire series. The Night King was the most powerful creature on the planet. The Army of the Dead was so powerful and yet the living defeated this unbeatable army overnight. If that’s the case, then were the white walkers a distraction from the true enemy of the show, Cersei? This may be the case, but I have a feeling that there’s still one more surprise from the dead before this series comes to a close.
See you next week as the fight goes to King’s Landing. Do you know who has green eyes?
As Dr. Strange said in Infinity War, “We’re in the endgame, now.” After an 11-year, 22 film saga, Avengers: Endgame has the daunting task of wrapping up this era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only did it succeed in tying together a decade’s worth of characters and storylines, but Endgame delivers a satisfying conclusion that rewards fans for their dedication.
*Note: This review will be as spoiler-free as possible. No major plot points will be revealed. I believe in #DontSpoilTheEndgame.*
Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Avengers: Endgame picks up where Infinity War left off. Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, War Machine, Rocket, and Nebula were the only major heroes who survived Thanos’s snap, which wiped away half the universe’s population. Down and seemingly out, the Avengers receive a much-needed ally in the form of Captain Marvel. The Avengers seek to reverse the damage done by Thanos and bring back half the universe’s population. Sounds simple, right?
The film succeeds in the fact that it answered so many questions that have been lingering throughout the MCU up until this point. However, it’s far from perfect. My biggest gripe is the beginning of the film. The first act of the film sets the scene for life after Thanos and explains how the survivors live in a desolate world. The film has a run-time of 3 hours and 1 minute so the film did not rush at all in terms of giving the appropriate backstory. However, it wasn’t almost too much backstory and not enough planning to defeat Thanos. If this movie trimmed it’s runtime by about 20 minutes and sped up some of the beginning, it would have been perfect.
That being said, once the Avengers picked up Ant-Man and Hawkeye (now Ronin) towards the end of the first act, Endgame begins to hit its stride. The scene in the trailer where the Avengers assemble while wearing the Quantum Realm suits is where this movie took off. The final two acts were immensely entertaining and turned my theater into Yankee Stadium after a walk-off home run with all the cheering and clapping.
What impressed me the most about Endgame was the balanced mix of dramatic and comedic bits. This is a Marvel movie so you’re guaranteed to get a bunch of superheroes using their powers in elaborate fighting scenes, which is awesome. However, I didn’t expect to laugh as much as I did. In particular, Thor’s evolution from a serious, semi-charming god to a witty, fun-loving superhero has been spectacular. Huge credit should go to Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok, for showing that Thor can be much more than a god with a hammer. Chris Hemsworth is a movie star in every sense of the word and this version of Thor is his best work.
I keep coming back to the word, “satisfying,” to perfectly describe Avengers: Endgame. Part of the reason why fans relate to these movies so much is the films’ ability to deal with common themes despite incorporating supernatural elements. The feeling of loss and regret in Infinity War is channeled into revenge and resilience in Endgame, which is felt by not only the heroes in the movie, but the audience in the theater. Endgame ties up many storylines and gives fans exactly what they have wanted for a decade. However, it also poses new questions for the future of the MCU, which is fairly unknown at this point.
Avengers: Endgame will make you laugh and cry, but most importantly, you’ll be rewarded for your patience. I’m not sure where the MCU goes from here, but if there’s one thing Marvel needs from us, it’s trust. After witnessing Avengers: Endgame, trust is exactly what they deserve.
Now, our watch has begun. The moment that has been teased for over seven seasons has finally arrived. The Army of the Dead is going to fight the Army of the Living next week. Before that happens, tonight’s episode of Game of Thrones revolved around one question: If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do? Some chose to drink, some chose to make love, and one man even decided to reveal his lineage to his girlfriend. The latter wouldn’t be my choice, but I’m also not Jon Snow. Let’s get into the Season 8 Episode 2 review.
-The Kingslayer is back in Winterfell. The last time Jamie Lannister was in Winterfell, he pushed Bran out of a window after he was caught having sex with his sister. Classic mixup!
-It’s not a surprise that Jamie’s return was not well-received. Let’s not forget that Jamie was responsible for the death of Daenerys’s father and the Stark children’s father. Plus, he had a hand in killing Robb, his wife, and Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding. This is not an innocent man and despite his plea for mercy, Tyrion could not save his brother. However, it was Brienne of Tarth, the MVP of the episode, who vouched for Jamie and convinced Daenerys and Sansa to spare his life. Jamie saved Brienne a few seasons ago and now it was Brienne’s turn to return the favor. I have a feeling that these two will be saving each other on the battlefield next week.
-Bran and Jamie shared an interesting conversation at Godswood. Jamie apologizes for paralyzing Bran and swears that he is a changed man. When Jamie asks Bran as to why he didn’t tell anyone about their interaction with Cersei in the tower, Bran revealed that it’s not important right now. As much as Bran can be weird, he truly understands the severity of the upcoming battle with the Night King. Unlike Jon Snow, who doesn’t know how to keep things to himself, protecting secrets is right up Bran’s alley.
-Speaking of redemption stories, Theon returned to Winterfell and was welcomed with open arms by Sansa because Theon helped Sansa escape Ramsay Bolton’s fury. Theon informed Daenerys that Yara returned to the Iron Islands to take them back for her so if they survive, they’ll have a place to go. Keep an eye on the relationship between Theon and Sansa. They gave each other an interesting look at the end of the episode. It wasn’t a friendly look, but one of affection towards one another.
-Some smaller moments that caught my eye:
Jorah convincing Daenerys to keep Tyrion as the Hand to the Queen.
Ser Davos and Gilly showing compassion towards a girl with scarring on her face which reminded them of Shireen, who taught both Davos and Gilly how to read.
Jon, Sam, and Eddison’s reunion where they reminisced about the Night’s Watch.
-Keep an eye on the power struggle between Sansa and Daenerys. Although Daenerys tries to make peace, Sansa sees right through her. Daenerys only cares about sitting on the Iron Throne and Sansa knows that. She wants the Iron Throne, but Sansa and the North promised to never follow another King or Queen outside of the North ever again. Daenerys doesn’t agree to Sansa’s demands. If both of these women survive, their battle for supremacy has only just begun.
-I’m calling the giant pow-wow between all of the major characters around the table the “Strategy Meeting.” Jon explained how their army cannot defeat the Army of the Dead head-on. That’s a fact. The White Walkers significantly outnumber the army at Winterfell. Jon reveals that the only chance they might have at victory is to defeat the Night King. It’s like the saying “cut the head off a snake and the body will fall.” The Night King is the leader of the dead. If he falls, his army might fall with him.
How can they isolate the Night King from his army? They need bait, and in this case, the bait is Bran. Since Bran became the Three-Eyed Raven, his mission hasn’t been so clear. Now, Bran revealed his purpose. Bran holds the key to the memories of the World. The Night King wants to erase Westeros, which means that all of the people and their memories will fall. As the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran holds all of the memories of the past, present, and future. Not only does Bran possess the world’s memories, but it’s secret as well. If the Night King takes out Bran, the present and the past will disappear. Because of this knowledge, Bran decides to camp out in Godswood alone in order to lure the Night King to him. Since the Night King marked Bran, it will be easy to find him.
Sam illustrated Bran’s logic with an insightful monologue about death and memories. Sam said, “That’s what death is, isn’t it? Forgetting. Being forgotten.” It’s actually a wonderful point about death in general. At funerals, the thought is that although someone dies, their spirit and memories will live on forever. That’s why Bran is so important. He possesses the memories of Westeros.
This was bound to happen. Arya has been flirting with Gendry ever since she saw him arrive at Winterfell. Once Gendry teased the idea of Arya as “his lady” back in Season 3, this relationship had to have a payoff. With the battle only a few hours away, Arya wanted to know what it was like to have sex so she chose one of her only friends in the world to take her virginity. If we’re being honest, Arya made a very responsible decision by having sex with someone she trusted for the first time. I feel like a sex ed teacher right now after saying that. “Be safe, kids!” However, Arya still had to be a badass and control the entire situation. That’s who she is and I love her for it. Plus, if you were going to die in a few hours, wouldn’t you want to spend it lying next to someone you care about? Sign me up for that.
-Besides sex, I would also drink my face off in the company of my friends if I was going to battle a White Walker. Tyrion, Jamie, Brienne, Podrick, Tormund, and Ser Davos decided to share one last drink around the fire. Tormund openly hits on Brienne and shares a hilarious story about how he got the name “Giantsbane” after he sucked on a giant’s widow for three months after killing the giant at the age of 10. All of these fighters come from different backgrounds, but they share one commonality, which is they’re all survivors.
-In the most touching scene of the night, Brienne explained how she could never become a knight because it goes against tradition. However, Jamie explains that any knight can make another night. So Jamie makes Brienne a knight, fulfilling her lifelong dream, which moved her to tears. I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t tear up when Jamie and Brienne looked into each other’s eyes with respect and admiration for each other. Unfortunately, I believe that was Jamie and Brienne’s last happy moment together.
-I hope Grey Worm and Missandei survive.
P.S. There is zero chance Grey Worm survives this battle. He’s dying next week. Book it.
-Before the episode ended, Podrick sang a song titled, “Jenny’s song.” I did not read the books, but this song plays a prominent role in the books. Long story short, this song is believed to be about “The Prince Who Was Promised,” which is Jon Snow.
-Finally, Jon finally had “the talk” Daenerys. Before the dead arrived, Jon was in the tombs looking at his mother, Lyanna Stark, when he is joined by Daenerys. When Daenerys explained that her brother, Rhaegar Targaryen, did not rape Lyanna Stark. Instead, they were married in secret and had a son, Aegon Targaryen aka Jon Snow. Imagine finding out that your “lover” turned out to be your nephew? Excuse me while I go puke in the nearest garbage. Although Dany balked at that idea, she quickly realized the significance of this conversation and no, that revelation was not incest. If Jon is truly a Targaryen, that means he is the male heir and has a true claim to the throne. It was as if Daenerys forgot about all the times she spent kissing her lover. Now, the fight versus the Army of the Dead may not be her only battle on the horizon. Dany may have to fight Jon when this is all said and done. Is Daenerys the Mad Queen?
-My final thought: If you were going into battle, would you reveal a huge secret about your lineage to your lover-turned-aunt before the fight? I want the Mother of Dragons to be razor sharp before the battle. Why couldn’t Jon keep his big mouth shut and tell Daenerys after the battle? Winning the battle is more important than this secret. If one of them dies, then they die. No harm, no foul and most importantly, no controversy. Way to go Jon!
Good luck getting through these next couple of days. I’ll see you next week for the battle.
So I write these recaps write after show airs on Sunday night. I’m on the East Coast so it’s late, which means I may forget to mention some scenes. I’m kicking myself for not mentioning Lyanna Mormont. When her cousin, Jorah, urged her to stay in the crypts, Lyanna went full badass and promised to be fighting for the North. Forget Dany and Sansa, Lyanna should be the Queen. I would follow this girl into a battle any day of the week.
Lyanna Mormont: "I will not hide underground. I pledged to fight for the North and I will fight"
Also, the crypts are going to play a huge part in this Sunday’s battle. Game of Thrones loves foreshadowing. Throughout this past episode, so many characters reiterated the idea that the crypts are safe and that the women and children will be okay if they hide in the crypts.
There’s a reason why Arya was running the hallways of the castle in the trailer. In the preview for the next episode, the Hound and Beric Dondarrion are walking in the crypts with their swords up, ready for battle. There are a lot of theories on the Interent about the Night King and why he wants to retrun to the crypts. The TLDR version goes like this: Last time in the battle of good vs. evil, Winter fell and was defeated where the castle stands. “The Great Other,” the evil force that is the opposite of the Lord of Light, may be buried in the crypts, which means if the Night King resurrects the dead in the crypts, The Great Other may rise again. Plus, this could mean a dead Ned Stark could fight his family. The dead are already here. See you Sunday.
Winter is here. The series that has dominated pop culture in the last few weeks is Game of Thrones. After the Season 8 premiere, it’s clear that this show will go out with a bang for its final season. What makes Game of Thrones so unique is its ability to cross over into other genres. In particular, thanks to shows like Game of Zones, the fantasy series has found a home in the NBA. I wanted to take it one step further. The show is known for its memorable dialogue. Because of this, I wanted to use famous quotes to describe teams in the NBA Playoffs. Here’s what I came up with.
Note: Press play for optimal viewing experience.
Golden State Warriors: “Winter is coming.” – Ned Stark, S1E1
Winter is here, and the Warriors are leading the charge. Once again, the NBA Playoffs will be the Golden State Warriors vs. The Field. That’s the only war that matters. Every other matchup is secondary because the only question of importance concerns the Warriors. Who can beat Golden State? Until proven otherwise, the Army of the Dead from Golden State will win yet another championship. Humanity and the rest of the teams in the playoffs don’t stand a chance.
Milwaukee Bucks: “The Long Night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn.” – Melisandre, S7E2
The Warriors are the Army of the Dead. They continue to wreak havoc on the NBA and in all likelihood will win their fourth title in five seasons. However, if some team, or someone, is going to take down Golden State, it’s going to be the Bucks and Giannis Antetokounmpo. Sure, Milwaukee has never won a playoff series with Giannis and the living world has never defeated the Night King, but Giannis and Jon Snow have a chance to do both. If both stars bring their A-game on the court and the battlefield, anything is possible.
Denver Nuggets: “This isn’t a war we can win.” – Jamie Lannister, S7E5
Congratulations to the Denver Nuggets. You had a wonderful season. The Nuggets went from missing the playoffs to battling for the one seed in the span of two seasons. Nikola Jokić became an all-star and Jamal Murray became a shooting assassin. That being said, the Nuggets cannot win the NBA Championship. The Nuggets may not even be able to beat the Spurs. Great season, but try again next year.
Toronto Raptors: “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” – Cersei Lannister, S1E7
Fight or die, win or lose, this is the last stand for the Raptors. After trading for Kawhi Leonard, who is on the final deal of his contract, the Raptors pushed all of their chips to the center of the table. It’s now or never. This is their sixth straight trip to the playoffs. The previous five ended in disappointment with the last three series’ defeats coming at the hands of LeBron James. LeBron James is gone. Kawhi Leonard is in Toronto. If the Raptors don’t make the NBA Finals this year, I expect this team to blow up like the Sept of Baelor.
Philadelphia 76ers:“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.” – Ramsay Bolton, S3E6
Last year, The Process took a huge step in the right direction as the 76ers made the playoffs for the first time since 2012. The years of tanking and 10 win seasons was over as Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid started to live up to their potential. This season, the Sixers strengthened The Process by adding Jimmy Butler and Tobias Harris. All of this looks good on paper, but as Game 1 versus the Nets taught us anything, it’s that you can’t trust Philadelphia to win it all especially in the final moments of a game. The Process is far from complete.
Portland Trail Blazers: “I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me. I might be small, Lord Glover. And I might be a girl. But I am every bit as much a Northerner as you. And I don’t need your permission to defend the North.” – Lyanna Mormont, S7E1
Lyanna Mormont is tiny in stature, but she makes up for it with a giant heart and no-fear attitude. The Northerners doubt her, but when push comes to shove, she will be on the front line with a sword in her hand. The Trail Blazers have a team full of Lyanna Mormonts. Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum are a top backcourt in the NBA, but the rest of the league continues to doubt them because of their lack of success in the playoffs. Portland might as well be the Bear Island of the NBA because of how North it is. However, no one can question Portland’s heart and when critics continue to doubt them, the Blazers find a way to not only compete, but win.
Boston Celtics: “Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love – illusions. Only the ladder is real…the climb is all there is.” – Lord Baelish, S3E6
Playing the role of Littlefinger will be the Celtics General Manager and President of Basketball Operations, Danny Ainge. The quest for a championship started in 2013. While teams were going crazy while trying to figure out ways to assemble a Big Three in order to beat the Heat, Ainge used this to his advantage by trading fan favorites and aging legends such as Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett for five players and four draft picks. Later, Ainge didn’t give into the mob who wanted to pay Isaiah Thomas and instead, included Thomas in a trade for Kyrie Irving. While teams try to sign big name free agents, Ainge and the Celtics decided to groom young talent as Jayson Tatum and Jalen Brown. Now, the Celtics are rumored to be in the running in the Anthony Davis sweepstakes. Will the Celtics sit on the Iron Throne one day? I’m not sure, but they will continue to climb the ladder or they will die trying.
Houston Rockets: “I learned that I’ll never win. Not that way. That’s their game, their rules. I’m not going to fight them, I’m going to fuck them. That’s what I know, that’s what I am. And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want” Lord Baelish, S1E7
The Rockets bring a unique approach to the game of basketball, especially on the offensive side. The NBA is becoming a shooters’ league, but the Rockets take that sentiment and multiply it by 10. The Rockets typically have four guys on the floor who can shoot the three and one guy who can finish alley-oops like Clint Capela. The Rockets space the floor, leave the middle open for isolation, and shoot A LOT of 3-pointers. For the second consecutive season, the Rockets set the single-season record for most 3 pointers made with 1,323. The Rockets want to play fast and get up and down the court. This is not the way most teams play, but for the Rockets, it works. Had it not been for a Chris Paul injury last season, the Rockets might have represented the West in the NBA finals. James Harden and the boys know who they are, and that’s their biggest strength.
Indiana Pacers: “There is only one god, and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: not today.” – Syrio Forel, S1E6
When the Pacers lost Victor Oladipo, most critics and fans including me believed their season was a lost cause. Could you blame them? The Pacers not only lost their best player but their team leader. However, the Pacers did not submit or die for the rest of the season. Indiana fought valiantly to make the playoffs. Had it not been for a 31-12 fourth quarter from the Celtics, this series would have been tied 1-1 going back to Indiana.
Utah Jazz: “As long as I’m standing the war is not over.” – Brynden Tully, S6E7
The Rockets have come out with guns blazing these first two games. As bad as the Jazz have looked, they are not dead. This is a team that has won their first-round series the past two seasons. Donovan Mitchell is capable of rallying Gobert, Ingles, and the rest of the troops to make this a competitive series. As long as Mitchell is standing, don’t count him out just yet.
Brooklyn Nets: “He’s the toughest man with no balls I ever met.” – Daario Naharis, S5E10
About two months ago, I made a bet with my friend that the Nets would not make the playoffs. I believed that the Nets would falter and their lack of superstar talent would cost them a playoff berth. Clearly, I was wrong. Credit to Kenny Atkinson, D’Angelo Russell, Spencer Dinwiddie, and the rest of the team for coming together and exceeding expectations. The Nets are a fun team with a bright future thanks to their young talent and cap space this summer, which includes the ability to sign two players to max contracts. However, this team may be fun, but it’s not a championship team. The Nets still need a superstar or two to put them into the conversation for the best team in the East.
Oklahoma City Thunder: “No, of that I’m innocent. I’m guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I’m guilty of being a dwarf. Oh, yes I am. I’ve been on trial for that my entire life.” – Tyrion Lannister, S4E6
Tyrion Lannister is one of the smartest minds in all of Westeros. Tyrion is a master in strategy and tends to have a pulse on the city and their needs. Tyrion is a valuable asset to anyone’s court. Tyrion could be on the Iron Thrones, but no matter what he does for the rest of his life, some people will always see him as a dwarf and that’s something they can’t look past. Russell Westbrook is the most athletic point guard to ever play in the NBA. Russ has averaged a triple-double for the past three seasons and even won the MVP in 2016-2017. However, until he wins a championship, certain members of the media and NBA fanbase will always see him as the guy who pushed Kevin Durant out of town. Whether that’s fair or unfair is up to you to decide.
Game of Thrones / Via HBO
Orlando Magic: “I’ve known a great many clever men. I’ve outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them. The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You’re a dragon. Be a dragon.” – Lady Olenna, S7E2
Hand up, I did not see the Orlando Magic winning a game in this series versus the Toronto Raptors. Hand up again, I can’t name the starting five of the Magic. Maybe the Magic are for real. I believe the Raptors will eventually prevail, but crazier things have happened. The Magic should continue to not listen to fans like myself and play their game because if they steal Game 3 at home, look out.
San Antonio Spurs: “Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you” – Tyrion, S1E1
The Spurs are the Spurs. Their lineup is not going to jump off the paper and strike fear into opponents’ hearts every night. They’re not going to get in a track meet and run up and down all night. However, they’re consistent, efficient, and well-coached by Gregg Popovich. The Spurs don’t have Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, Kawhi Leonard, and Danny Green anymore and yet continue to put a successful product on the floor as they haven’t missed the playoffs since 1996-1997. The Spurs know who they are and never change their identity.
Detroit Pistons: “You’re going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well.” – Sansa Stark, S6E9
You’re going to die in four games, Detroit Pistons. Sleep well. There’s really nothing more to say. Without a healthy Blake Griffin, the Pistons don’t stand a chance.
Los Angeles Clippers:“The long night is coming, and the dead come with it. No clan can stop them, the free-folk can’t stop them, the Night’s Watch can’t stop them, and all the southern kings can’t stop them! Only together, all of us – and even then it may not be enough but at least we’ll give the fuckers a fight.” – Jon Snow, S5E8
If there is one thing the Clippers have shown so far this series, it’s that they are not going to back down to the Army of the Dead aka the Golden State Warriors. Throw Game 3 aside because the Clippers stood no chance. However, this series could easily be 3-0 had it not been for a 31 point comeback in Game 2. The Clippers are a young, exciting team that has a bright future thanks to their cap space this summer. Do not be surprised if they steal at least one more game against the Warriors.
What quotes from Game of Thrones would you use to describe the teams in the NBA Playoffs? Share your thoughts below or tweet us @unafraidshow.
Before I dive into the review for the Season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones, let’s all take a minute to appreciate that this wonderful show is back in our lives. Game of Thrones won’t be on for much longer so let’s enjoy it while it lasts. Now, we can talk about the episode 1.
Note: I’m a fan so my review of each episode comes from a fan’s perspective. I want to inform you as to what happened, but I also want to provide some entertainment in the process.
-As expected, tonight’s episode set the table for the Battle at Winterfell, which is rumored to take place in episode 3. Everything done in the first two episodes of this season is all in preparation for the battle.
-Jon is home and he brought his girlfriend, who happens to have a huge army and two dragons! Ask yourself this. If you were living in the North, would you be happy that your “King” bent the knee to a foreigner AND invited her into your kingdom? Jon is naive thinking that Sansa and the rest of Winterfell would support his decision to bend the knee to Queen Daenerys Targaryen. As Lyanna Mormont mentioned, the people of the North elected Jon to be King, not Daenerys. Daenerys will have to prove her worth in order for the northerners to accept her.
-Reunions, reunions, and more reunions! With the Army of the Dead on the horizon, it was nice to see some heartfelt reunions before things take a turn for the worse. Jon and Bran’s hug was a bit awkward considering Bran knows that Jon is Aegon Targaryen, the true heir to the Iron Throne. Tyrion and Sansa, who were once married, had a less than pleasant conversation about their common hatred towards Cersei. However, the reunion that put a smile on my face was when Arya and Jon embraced at the heart tree.
-Sansa has evolved so much as a character. In the earlier seasons, Sansa desired to be married to a king and live a life of royalty. Now, she’s a powerful, independent leader who is about to go toe-to-toe with the Mother of Dragons.
-Arya and Gendry. Did they flirt or did they flirt? Keep a tab on this relationship. (I’m for this relationship, by the way.)
-My predictions for this season.
Rumor has it if you don't tweet your #GameofThrones predictions on Twitter, then you can't get credit for them if they are right. I only have three. 1) Jamie kills Cersei 2) Night King kills Daenerys and then Jon jumps on a dragon and kills the Night King 3) Sam survives
-In King’s Landing, Cersei is up to her manipulative ways again. When Qyburn gives news that the Night King demolished the Wall, Cersei couldn’t help but smile. Cersei’s plan is to let the Army of the Dead fight Jon, Daenerys, and the rest of the North to the death and whoever emerges victorious will take on Cersei at King’s Landing. So far, so good for this plan.
-Cersei is still cold-blooded as ever as she hires Bronn to kill her brothers, Jamie and Tyrion. In a sick twist, Cersei wants Bronn to kill her brothers with the same crossbow that Tyrion used to kill their father, Tywin. It’s not a secret that Bronn is a fan favorite. However, will that all change if he kills Jamie and Tyrion? More importantly, will Bronn be able to kill his friends?
-Speaking of villains, Euron Greyjoy’s arrogance was on full display tonight. It’s no secret that Euron wants to marry Cersei in order to become King. After acquiring the Golden Company, Euron believes that he should be rewarded for his hard work. What does he want? In his words, not mine, Euron wants to “fuck the Queen.” Well, that’s exactly what he did. Cersei knows that Euron’s fleet is far too valuable to lose so she sleeps with Euron. Brashly, Euron states his intention to “put a prince” in Cersei’s belly. Little does he know that Cersei is pregnant with Jamie’s child. As bad as Cersei is, is Euron worse?
-While Euron was getting it on with the Queen, Theon infiltrated one of the ships to rescue his sister, Yara. When Yara decides to sail back to the Iron Islands, Theon determines that his next move involves traveling Winterfell to fight alongside the Starks. I’m sure the Starks will welcome Theon with open arms and forget about the time he betrayed their family and seized Winterfell.
-Jamie seeing Bran for the first time since pushing him out of a castle and paralyzing him. Awkward…
-In my predictions, I did say that Jon would ride a dragon at some point. I did not expect his first time on a dragon would be to go on a romantic date with Daenerys. I’m sorry Daenerys, but the only one who gets to go with Jon into a cave is Ygritte.
-In the scariest scene of the episode, Tormund Giantsbane, Beric Dondarrion and Lord Commander “Dolorous” Edd Tollett received a sign from the Night King in the form of a zombie child pinned to the wall with severed limbs surrounding him. This is just a small sample of what the Night King is about to do to the Army of the Living.
-Finally, the most important sequence in tonight’s episode occurred between Jon and Samwell Tarly. Sam met Daenerys after Jorah Mormont wished to thank Sam for saving him at the Citadel. However, Sam unfortunately learned what happened to his father and brother, who were both burned alive by dragons after refusing to bend the knee to Daenerys. It’s ironic that Daenerys emphasizes that she is not like her father even though she burned innocent people to death just like the Mad King did during his reign.
Upset with Daanerys and motivated by Bran, Sam confronts Jon about what Daenerys did to his family. Sam reveals that Jon was never a bastard. Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen and his real name is Aegon Targaryen. As Sam said, Jon, not Daenerys, is the one true King of the seven kingdoms. Jon FINALLY knows his true lineage.
Oh, this also means Jon is in love with and has sex with his aunt.
Was tonight’s episode a home run? Absolutely not, but the pieces of the chessboard are moving into place. The Battle at Winterfell is coming and death will follow.
One of the greatest shows in television in history is taking its final bow. The worldwide phenomenon that is Game of Thrones returns for its eighth and final season on Sunday night. Let’s take look at the best moments and best scenes from GoT.
Ned Stark’s Death
Game of Thrones became Game of FUCKING Thrones after the death of Ned Stark. Ever since this moment, Game of Thrones played by different rules. No one was safe even if you’re a main protagonist and the most famous actor on the show at the time. Ned’s death set off a chain of events that shaped the lives of characters like Sansa and Arya. Did Ned deserve to die? Maybe. Although he was honorable, Ned was naive. The man trusted Littlefinger, who upon his betrayal, told Ned, “I warned you not to trust me.” Whether deserved or not, Ned’s death will forever be the scene that changed the face of the show and frankly, the rest of television.
The Battle at Blackwater may not be the best battle sequence in Game of Thrones, but it’s arguably the most important for television purposes. Blackwater showcased how a television show could provide the viewer with a grandiose and extravagant battle sequence that can usually only be seen in films.
Jamie and Brienne take a bath
One of my personal favorite scenes for a member of my Mt. Rushmore of GoT characters, Jamie Lannister. Up until this point, the Kingslayer was brash, cocky, and arrogant. To be honest, it was hard to root for him. Jamie was the Kingslayer who pushed Bran Stark out of a tower and practiced incest with his sister. However, my perspective completely changed when Jamie told Brienne of Tarth the story of why he killed the Mad King. Jamie had to make a choice. He had to keep his oath to the King and watch thousands of innocent people die or break his bond and kill the King. Maybe there’s no right answer, but for the first time all series, the viewer can sympathize with Jamie.
The Red Wedding
The Red Wedding made Game of Thrones must-see TV. I remember the Internet blowing up after this episode. This is when I believe a huge number of viewers jumped on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Sure, Ned Stark died. One major character’s death is no big deal, but killing the King in the North, his pregnant wife, and the King’s mother all at once?! That’s just cold. From here on out, Thrones had to be watched live in order to avoid spoilers on the Internet.
Tyrion Confession / The Mountain and the Viper
“And I know I’ll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat!”
Tyrion Lannister did not kill Joffrey, but he (and the rest of the world) wishes that he did. I can’t blame Tyrion for demanding a trial by combat. His father and sister despise him so a jury was not going to prove him innocent. Instead, Tyrion went for a trial by combat. Although it seemed as if no on would fight for Tyrion, Oberyn Martell stepped up to the plate to take on The Mountain. This was personal because as Oberyn constantly stated in the battle, “I am the brother of Elia Martell. And do you know why I’ve come all the way to this stinking shit pile of a city? For you. I am going to hear you confess before you die: You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children.” If only Oberyn finished the job instead of letting his arrogance take over. He might still have a head!
The Watchers on the Wall
This goes against the grain, but the Night’s Watch vs. Wildlings is my favorite battle in the series. Edge-of-your-seat action, nonstop fighting, and an emotional goodbye to Ygritte pushes this battle over the top.
Season Five is memorable for one reason and one reason only, Hardhome. Up until this moment, the true powers of the Night King and the Army of the Dead were unknown. After the massacre at Hardhome, for the first time in the series, the true battle of the living vs. the dead took precedent over the battle for Westeros. THIS is the true enemy. The last scene of the Night King resurrecting the dead to join his army as Jon Snow looks on from his boat is a top five image in the series.
Hold the door
I wish you could see the tears falling down my face as I revisit this episode. Why did Bran have to screw over Hodor? Hodor was so innocent and nice! It’s amazing how many times Bran fucked up in this episode. Although Bran learned how the Night King was created, Bran was marked by the Night King in his vision, which allowed the Night King to find the Three Eyed Raven. The Army of the Dead finds Bran and kills the Three Eyed Raven. When Bran wargs into Hodor to escape, he ends up causing psychological damage to Hodor in the past, which causes him to slur the phrase he hears from Meera in the present: Hold the door. Thanks a lot, Bran.
The Winds of Winter
THIS EPISODE RULES. Scene for scene, this is the greatest episode in Game of Thrones history. The bombing of the Sept of Baelor is a masterclass in editing and directing. Cersei might have been shamed in the streets, but she had the last laugh as she blew up the sept, killing Margaery, High Septon, and anyone who wronged her. This diabolical plot raised Cersei into the upper echelon of TV villains. Not to be outdone, the biggest reveal in the show’s history happened later in the episode as the lineage of Jon Snow was finally revealed as he is not the bastard of Ned Stark, but the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Jon has dragon’s blood. Plus, Dany sailed East and Tommen gave us the gif of the century. That’s one hell of an episode.
Goodbye, Wall
I love the Night King. There, I said it. Every scene that includes the Night King is meaningful. It doesn’t happen often, but it packs a punch. Hardhome, marking Bran, killing a dragon (!!!), and now, riding a dragon to destroy a section of The Wall solidified the Night King as the most powerful character on the show. The Army of the Dead is coming.
What are your favorite moments from Game of Thrones ? Comment with your thoughts below or join in the conversation on Twitter@UnAfraidShow.
Last Spring, Killing Eve, a drama series about a female British intelligence officer who attempts to track down a female assassin, premiered on BBC America. 2 Emmy nominations and 2 Golden Globe nominations later, television critics included Killing Eve in their Top 10 lists for 2018 more than any other show. That’s pretty good for a program on a channel that may be pretty hard to find in your cable package. It will be your favorite tv show in 2019.
Killing Eve was not only the best show in 2018, but it was the most addictive show on television. Killing Eve stars Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri, an MI5 officer who is searching for more satisfaction in both her work and home life. Eve begins to study a series of high profile assassinations and makes the connection that the killer is female despite little support from her superior officers. It turns out that Eve is right as the assassin is a female named Villanelle, played by Jodie Comer, a highly-trained psychopathic killer that is both quirky and murderous. As Eve begins to track Villanelle, the brilliant Villanelle becomes aware of Eve’s scent, and both women realize that they share a fatal attraction despite wanting to kill each other. The ensuing cat-and-mouse game led to the best season of television in 2018.
With Season 2 premiering this Sunday night at 8 pm EST on BBC America and AMC, now is the perfect time to hop on the bandwagon. Here are a few reasons why Killing Eve will become your new favorite show in 2019.
*This article will contain light spoilers. I’ll do my best to keep them at a minimum.*
Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer’s chemistry is off the charts
BBC America
There is no Killing Eve without Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer. Their chemistry is spectacular together. Both women give the best performances of their career in Season 1. Eve and Villanelle are polar opposites in their profession, but they both want and need something more in their life. They both feel empty inside, but soon realize that they are obsessed and attracted to each other, both mentally and physically. Eve and Villanelle feel complete when they are hunting each other. This is a twisted and complicated love story between two obsessive, but strong female personalities. As the song in the trailer for Season 2 states, “Might as well face it you’re addicted to love.”
Villanelle is one of the best TV villains in years
Jodie Comer in Killing Eve / Photo Credit: BBC America
The best villains are the ones that the audience roots for and sympathizes with. Villanelle is a brutal killer and sociopath. She’s dark, manipulative, and evil, but there’s this other side that makes you laugh and smile. That’s due to Villanelle’s dark comedic tone, wittiness, and vivacious sense of fashion. Villanelle could be the best villain on television since Walter White in Breaking Bad.
Two Badass Women Doing Badass Things
Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer in Killing Eve / Photo Credit: BBC America
Simply put, these are two badass women who do badass things. Villanelle might be a trained killer, but Eve is an intelligent officer who has a lot of guts. It’s a heavyweight fight and both Eve and Villanelle pack a serious punch.
Funny, Witty, But Violent
BBC America
There’s not other way to say it. The jokes only go so far. Eve can provide comedic relief, but there are scenes that are downright violent and sadistic. Sorry to play captain obvious, but the title includes the word “killing.” Death is a common theme throughout the show. There are vicious death scenes, but but the humorous undertones ease the brutality. There is a scene in a club that will send a chill down your spine and make your jaw hit the floor.
I can’t recommend this show enough. It’s a spy thriller, love story, and dramatic series all wrapped up into one. Oh and Comer are worth the price of admission. The unexpected twists and shocking reveals will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire show. Take the journey with Eve and Villanelle. You won’t be disappointed.
Watch Season 1 of Killing Eve on Hulu or BBC America. Season 2 premieres on both BBC America and AMC on Sunday, April 7, at 8 pm EST.
THE NORTH REMEMBERS! To say I am jacked up on adrenaline is an understatement. We are under two weeks away from the premiere of the final season for the iconic Game of Thrones. If that doesn’t move the needle, then you’re probably dead already.
The teaser’s title is “Aftermath,” and as the footage depicts, it’s a glimpse into Winterfell after the highly anticipated showdown between the living and the dead. The teaser showcases Winterfell as a barren wasteland with valuable possessions scattered across the castle. Arya’s sword, a Dragonglass arrow, Daenerys’s dragon chain, and the hand of the kingpin are some of the artifacts found in the teaser.
However, the three items that stood out to me were:
Jamie’s Golden Hand
Jon’s Sword
A “Shadowy Figure” (Maybe the Night King?)
I don’t believe this is a real scene in the show. It would be unlike Game of Thrones to reveal a scene frame-for-frame in a trailer. I’m not saying that Jamie and Jon don’t die and the shadowy figure isn’t the Night King. However, the teaser is more of a metaphor for the aftermath of the battle at Winterfell. The White Walkers are coming to Winterfell and they are going to kill A LOT of people. Your favorite characters are in danger of dying at the hands of the Army of the Dead. That’s a fact that may be tough to swallow for some. Will Jamie, Jon, and the other main characters escape to the South? Or, will they be met with the wrath of the Night King? I’m nervous just thinking about it.
In an interview with E! News about the final season, Gwendoline Christie, who plays Brienne of Tarth, said, “You’re going to need therapy… I think just the show ending is going to send all of the world into professional help.” I’m starting to believe that Gwendoline is right.