Rich Paul Rule Overturned NCAA Agent Rule

NCAA Changes Agent Rule Hours After Rich Paul’s Op-Ed was Released (UPDATE)

If anyone ever doubted the influence of LeBron James and his team, that doubt should be put to rest. Yesterday the NCAA announced that they were removing the controversial bachelor’s degree requirement from their agent certification requirements. This announcement came just hours after Rich Paul, LeBron James’ longtime friend and agent, released an op-Ed in […]

Melvin Gordon Holdout Chargers

The Melvin Gordon Holdout is One with Little Leverage

Where have you heard this before? The NFL has a star running back sitting out training camp until he gets paid. In fact, two prominent running backs are holding out: Ezekiel Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys and Melvin Gordon of the Los Angeles Chargers. After a close review of situations, it’s clear that in the […]

NCAA Rich Paul Agent Rule

The NCAA’s New Agent Rule is About Maintaining​ Control

The NCAA sent the sports world into a frenzy when they announced their new certification process for sports agents who wish to represent college basketball players. The new rule comes as a part of the recommendations made by the Commission on College Basketball (Commission) last April. After the 2017 college hoops scandal led to an […]

Golden State Warriors , Alabama, Duke great teams that didn't win championships, Cancel the season Tweets

Fans “Cancel the Season” Tweets Didn’t Work For Alabama, Golden State, or Duke

Cancel the Season Tweets By Everyone Alright people, can we please stop with all these Tweets about canceling the season or handing over the trophy. It’s the NBA, NCAA, and NFL offseason and everyone wants to crown a winner before things even get started. This team’s unstoppable, this team’s unbeatable, this team added these players, […]