Don’t Let the Eric Reid and Malcolm Jenkins Rift “Co-opt” the Movement

Malcolm Jenkins

If there is one thing that social justice movements have proved, it is that there are multiple ways to successfully effectuate change.   The Civil Rights Movement is certainly proof of this. Everyone contributed something that was instrumental to the betterment of the movement. Multiple groups and individuals emerged to push the movement forward each in their own unique way.  The same can be said of the contributions that North Carolina Panthers’ (Panthers) safety Eric Reid and Philadelphia Eagles’ (Eagles) safety Malcolm Jenkins have made to the movement started by Colin Kaepernick in 2016. While they differ in approach, each has made invaluable contributions.

However, on Sunday their contributions were overshadowed.  The attention was turned away from their contributions and was diverted to the escalating rift between Reid and Jenkins.  Immediately following the pre-game coin toss, Reid approached Jenkins, and the two had an unpleasant exchange.

This rift is an unfortunate distraction from the greater purpose of the movement. In the midst of this feud, people may lose sight of the issues that Kaepernick sacrificed his career to bring light to. Kaepernick started the movement to shed light on the injustices of minority communities and to offer solutions to combat police brutality. It is important to make sure that this feud does not overshadow the purpose of the movement.

What Led to the Dispute between Eric Reid and Malcolm Jenkins on Sunday?

It would have been better for their differences to be worked out in private and for the protesting players to present a united front. Unfortunately, that is not the case.  The rift between Reid and Jenkins is no secret.  It stems from Colin Kaepernick’s protest and the establishment of the Players Coalition.  In 2016, Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and lost his job as a result.   Eric Reid was the first to join Kaepernick in the protest. Reid appeared to suffer the same fate as Kaepernick until the Panthers signed him in late September.

Other players eventually joined the protest.  Among those to join was Malcolm Jenkins, who protested by raising his fist during the national anthem. Jenkins along with Anquan Boldin founded the Players Coalition (Coalition) in 2017 to combat social justice issues and racial inequality.

Initially, Reid was a member of the Coalition, and he and Jenkins stood together in their protest. Unfortunately, their union ended when Reid left the organization. Reid left due to a difference of opinion on what should be the Coalition’s primary focus and who should lead the organization.  Reid wanted one of the Coalition’s goals to be getting Kaepernick back into the league. However, other members did not think Kaepernick’s employment should be a primary goal.  With Jenkins at the helm, the Coalition struck a deal with the NFL without ever putting the Kaepernick issue on the table.  After making the deal, Jenkins stated that he would no longer protest.  After that, Reid left the Coalition.  On Sunday after the game, Reid called Jenkins a “sell-out” and accused him of “co-opting” the movement.

The Feud Cannot Takeaway From the Movement

The public division amongst the protesting players puts the purpose of the movement at risk of getting lost. It is easy for dissenters of the movement to focus on the spectacle and use it to discredit the movement.  The optics of the spectacle affirms what many dissenters think, which is that the movement is disorganized and fueled by protestors who cannot even agree amongst themselves. While this is not true, this is exactly the type of ammunition that opponents of the movement will use to discredit it.

Furthermore, the optics on Sunday affirms the contentions that NFL games are not the time or place for protesting because it distracts from the game.  After Reid and Jenkins’ exchange, it is hard to argue that the protest does not distract from the game.  Therefore, the feud between Reid and Jenkins could “co-opt” the movement.

What Reid and Jenkins Could do Differently

To keep that from happening, the protesting players need to demonstrate unity.  They need to remind the public of the issues that they are fighting for. Although Reid and Jenkins have different approaches, they are both working for the betterment of minority communities.  They both want to see improved police relations in minority communities. Both Reid and Jenkins have taken steps to move the movement forward and effectuate real change. This is what Reid and Jenkins need to keep in the headlines instead of their rift.

Jenkins has already taken a step in that direction. On Wednesday, Jenkins reminded everyone that Kaepernick started the movement and that it cost him his career.  He also stated that Kaepernick should have a job in the NFL.  While this is a step in the right direction, all protesting players need to make sure their actions do not distract from the greater purpose of the movement.

Hot Take House: Game 163, Brees GOAT, Jimbo Fisher Fail, CFB Worst Calls Ever

Game 163

These are hot takes and fun from the weekend. Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week Hot Takes House. Do not read any further if you are easily offended. If you do, share with a friend.

Game #163

If the NFL can figure out the field playoff in 16 games, NHL and NBA in 82, why can’t the MLB figure it out in 162? How on earth do they play 162 games in the MLB, but still need one game tie-breakers to decide who wins the division? Game 163?

There are about 62 meaningless games in baseball. Teams and players are going through the motions. If those games were more important, we wouldn’t need a 163rd before playoffs.


1. All the garbage roughing the passer penalties are actually increasing the NFL fan experience. They add one more thing for you to talk smack talk about in your fantasy leagues, with your friends, and be outraged about. We love outrage.

2. My question is why won’t they just put flags on the QBs? They would rarely hit the ground then. Guys would be able to grab the flags, and that would be a sack. Guys are losing thousands of dollars just doing their job. Something has to change.- Richard Sherman

3. The Khalil Mack trade looks worse and worse every week. Mack is the runaway NFL defensive MVP at this point. The Raiders have no pass rush, and the two first rounders they get from the Bears will be 12-16 because the bears no longer suck.

4. Josh Allen is back being to who we thought he was. Don’t be mad Bills fans; facts are facts. Swing and a miss

5. #FitzMagic is dead, and VF Castro doesn’t like it. LOL

6. Drew Brees will need 201 passing yards next Monday night at home against Washington to become the NFL’s all-time passing yards leader. Why is he not in your top 10 quarterbacks of All-Time? I’ll wait…

7. Remember a long time ago last week when Tom Brady was old and the Patriots sucked? They are bullies for what they did to the Dolphins.

8. The Steelers will cave in on LeVeon Bell. James Connor is a good back, but he’s the FitzMagic of running backs. It was fun for a little while, but it’s a novelty.

9. Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper May Change the NFL by signing Eric Reid.

College Football

1. “Kelly Bryant has an opportunity to extend his football life & actually control his own future… and you think it’s selfish??? Give me a break.” – Joel Klatt

2. Holding on the running back? WTH!


3. The original worst football call of the day was Louisville up by 3 with 1:56 left in the 4th quarter on the Florida State 21 yard line calling a pass play instead of a run. The pass was intercepted, and Louisville lost in regulation.

4. The actual worst football call of the day belongs to James Franklin and Penn State. They had two timeouts on 4th and 5 to run this play:

5. Jimbo Fisher needs to be suspended. If the player were to do this to Jimbo, he would be finished in college football!  There is no reason any coach should be getting physical with a player to get his point across.

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Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week post.

Eric Reid: Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper May Change the NFL

Eric Reid

David Tepper is the key to making the NFL a progressive league.  On Thursday, David Tepper and the Carolina Panthers made a bold move to be on the right side of history when they signed free-agent safety Eric Reid.  David Tepper is the new owner of the Panthers, who took ownership in May of this year.  Eric Reid was Colin Kaepernick’s teammate on the San Francisco 49ers.  He was the first football player to join Kaepernick in kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.  Once Reid’s rookie contract expired, he was not re-signed by the 49ers or any other team.  This left many to question why no team had picked him up.

Reid was a 2013 first round draft pick who lived up to the expectations and became a Pro-Bowl safety.  He dominated his position each season he played and was injury free. There was no football-related reason for Reid not be signed. Since there was no football-related reason, many believed that Reid’s continued free-agency was due to his activism.  Kaepernick had already been “blackballed” from the league for his protest.   It appeared that Reid was suffering the same consequence.  Reid, like Kaepernick, filed a grievance against the NFL for collusion.  The grievance alleged that the league and/or the team owners conspired to keep Reid out of the league.

All of this changed on Thursday when the Panther’s announced that they signed Eric Reid.  In the midst of his grievance against the NFL, Reid’s signing came as a shock to many.  Reid was overlooked the entire summer and preseason. This leaves one question.  What changed to lead to Reid’s signing on Thursday?

David Tepper is What Changed to lead to Eric Reid’s Signing

In just these short months since taking over the Panthers in May, David Tepper has already asserted himself as probably the most progressive NFL owner.  From the beginning, Tepper made small changes that he knew Panther’s fans had long awaited.  He removed the NFL shield at center-field and changed the logo to a panther.  Also under Tepper, the team unveiled a new uniform.  With these changes, Tepper alerted everyone to the fact that change was afoot in the Panthers organization.

While those changes were bold statements, Tepper took it a step further early in September when he stood up for players who participate in the national anthem protest in an interview on CNBC.  Tepper called the players patriotic and acknowledged that the protest was an effort to seek “justice for all.”

On Thursday, Tepper put those words into action when he signed Eric Reid to replace the recently injured Da’Norris Searcy.  Instead of overlooking a clearly qualified Eric Reid and attempting to make unfounded football-related excuses not to sign him, Tepper and the Panthers did the right and most sensible thing and hired the best man for the job.

Moves such as speaking out in support of the players right to protest and signing a player who was arguably being “blackballed” by the rest of the teams and the league are what makes Tepper the league’s most progressive owner.  Tepper may be just what the league needs to finally become a more progressive and inclusive entity.  He listened to the wants of the players and fans when he changed the center-field logo and unveiled new uniforms. Accordingly, Tepper showed the ability to put football first when he signed Eric Reid.

Was Reid Signed as a Defense to the Collusion Grievance?

Some may argue that Reid was signed to help the NFL battle their collusion grievance against him and Kaepernick. However, Reid being signed is not likely to help the NFL’s defense in the grievances. To be successful Reid only has to show “that there was an agreement or formal understanding between at least two teams or the NFL and one team not to sign him.”[i] Therefore, the Panthers signing him does not negate the possibility that other teams and/or the NFL may have agreed not to sign him.

The Future of Athlete Activism and the NFL

Tepper is just the kind of owner that the NFL needs moving forward.  In this new wave of athlete activism and athletes seeking to establish an identity separate from their athletic prowess, the NFL has to decide how to adjust to these trends while maintaining viewership (which should not be a huge problem if willing; the NBA has somehow figured it out).  With LeBron James‘ success with the I Promise School, and as a film producer and the reverence of NFL Players like Kenny Stills to continue to kneel in spite of what happened to Kaepernick, it seems that the “more than an athlete” movement is here to stay. Tepper’s actions so far have shown that he embraces these trends and is just what the NFL needs to become more progressive.


[i] Michael McCann, How Eric Reid Can Win His Collusion Grievance Against the NFL…and How the NFL Can Win, Sports Illustrated (May 2, 2018),