Chael Sonnen is a Clown for Accusing LeBron and Tiger of PED Use

chael sonnen

We need to talk about Chael Sonnen accusing LeBron James and Tiger Woods of using Performance Enhancing Drugs.

Chael Sonnen went on the Flagrant 2 Podcast and said : 

“James and I have the same drug guy,” and added that LeBron and Tiger Woods take “the big three” of EPO, growth hormone and testosterone, AKA the “Lance Armstrong diet.”


First of all, do you know the amount of money there is in unearthing a scandal about either one of the two most visible and divisive athletes in American history?

Entire networks schedules and personal fortunes have been built off of nitpicking LeBron and Tiger. 

Do you really think that if LeBron James had such a loosey-goosey drug guy that Chael Sonnen of all people would be the one to break the news of his PED use while casually hanging out on a podcast?

It’s also true that there’s plenty of people out there that love LeBron enough to want to protect him, but trust me on this- you don’t go through 20 years of being the most visible athlete in America without a scandal because a few favorable relationships with website publishers and media moguls. 

The price on LeBron’s head is enough to to tempt even his most well-intentioned Apostles to pull a Judas.

But let’s say it’s true. I don’t believe for a second that LeBron is blood doping, but let’s say that he is.

Do you really think LeBron James would be this reckless? Sharing a personal doctor with other athletes, much less a loudmouth admitted cheat and convicted money launderer with a half dozen scandals of using blatant racism to mock his fight opponents?

Based on his track record, I’d be more inclined to believe that Chael Sonnen saw a tall black man walking out of his “doctor’s” office and just assumed it was LeBron James. 

The NBA tests for performance enhancing drugs up to six times per year. Based on when LeBron came into the NBA, it’s possible he’s the most tested athlete in the history of the league. 

And while the NBA loves the attention LeBron brings to the league, there’s no chance they’d look the other way and risk a massive hit to their credibility if a PED scandal broke out, and the same can be said for Nike. Uncle Phil doesn’t want anyone thinking anything but the shoes on King James’ feet are enhancing his performance. 

It will be interesting to see if Chael Sonnen, an ESPN employee, is pushed to elaborate on his accusations. 

And while some are calling for LeBron to sue Sonnen, I doubt he even gives this accusation any time or energy.

At the end of the day, Chael Sonnen was either lied to, or he’s a liar. 

Based on his track record, there’s a very good chance it’s the latter. 

Let that sink in.

As Predicted: Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning Win Entertaining “The Match: Champions for Charity”

Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning Will Win The Match: Champions for Charity

The Match: Champions for Charity made for a fun and engaging live sporting event. There was good golf, friendly trash talk, and money raised to help with COVID-19 relief efforts. Six million fans tuned in, as The Match: Champions for Charity was the highest-rated cable golf event in history. As I predicted, Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning bested Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady, winning by a score of 1 up.

The Match: Champions for Charity Had a Familiar Game Flow

The date was January 24, 2016. The Denver Broncos were holding on to dear life as the New England Patriots were in their territory on the final three possessions of the game. Every time the Patriots got into Broncos territory the score was 20-12. However, the Patriots only scored a touchdown on their third try inside of Broncos territory. And even so, Brady was intercepted by Bradley Roby on the two-point try. The Broncos won 20-18.

During The Match: Champions for Charity, it once again seemed inevitable that Brady and Mickelson would tie the match. The Woods-Manning lead dwindled to only 1 up after the 14th hole.

However, Woods and Manning were able to stay the course and hold on for the victory similar to how the Broncos held onto victory on that fateful January Sunday. Even when the sport changes, sometimes the competition has a similar game flow based on who is participating.

Despite Losing, Tom Brady Had Shot of The Match: Champions for Charity

Tom Brady had the shot of the match on the 7th hole. He was able to chip in a put for birdie while trash-talking Charles Barkley in the process. Brady did not have the best start in The Match, but was able to get into a groove after hitting this shot. Some thought he may have struggled at first because of Peyton Manning’s caddie comment. The mention of Eli Manning and Nick Foles, the only two quarterbacks to beat Tom Brady in a Super Bowl, may have flustered Brady’s game a little bit.

Also, Brady stated that he had already played a whole round of golf before The Match: Champions for Charity. This could have affected his start, as the other three were more fresh at the start of The Match 2.

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Phil Mickelson Coached Tom Brady Through Rough Start

Mickelson coached Brady through his early struggles, and the duo was able to not let the game get completely out of reach. He also had some notable drives during the round. His best shot of the round was his drive on the 8th hole when he hit the golf ball within feet of the hole.

Mickelson did a great job of helping Brady improve as the match went on. He was not afraid to share some of his knowledge about the game of golf. He coached Brady in a sense. It was cool to see the teamwork displayed between both teams in this match.

Peyton Manning Had Good Drives, Wins Despite Weather

One thing that many have criticized Peyton Manning for throughout his football career was how he performed when the conditions were not great. However, Manning was able to show up despite rain falling through many portions of the round in The Match: Champions for Charity. Manning won two points in the front nine to help him and Woods take a 3 up lead into the back nine. He also was able to hit good drives on holes where Woods did not have his best stuff.

Tiger Woods Was Clutch Down the Stretch

Tiger Woods played a great round of golf. He was able to hit timely shots down the stretch and show off his clutch gene. He got revenge for his previous loss to Mickelson in the previous Match in November 2018. Home-field advantage helps many teams in team sports, and it helped Woods in this instance. Mickelson did not have as great of an idea of how his shots were because he had not played as often at The Medalist Golf Course.

This Golf Match Could Help Woods and Mickelson In Eventual Return to PGA Tour

Both Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson could be golfing competitively again as early as next month. There are still three majors scheduled to be played this year. Having competition against another golfer may have been great preparation once Woods and Mickelson are competing against other golfers. Both their games looked somewhat sharp on Sunday, which could translate into great seasons for them. While Tom Brady will get back to his day job and Peyton Manning will get back to enjoying retirement, there are potential prizes that could be attainable for both Woods and Mickelson in the game of golf. It will just be a matter of training well and putting in four rounds of good golf. I believe both of them can still do just that at this point in their respective careers.

Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning Will Win The Match: Champions for Charity

Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning Will Win The Match: Champions for Charity

The Match: Champions for Charity will give sports fans everywhere a chance to watch some of their favorite athletes compete for $10 million in COVID-19 relief.

Sports fans will be able to watch a competitive golf match on Sunday. Two of these competitors are synonymous with the golf world: Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. The other two, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, are known for their rivalry on the gridiron. The hope for fans is that these two rivalries that defined their respective sports can lead to an entertaining and highly competitive golf match.

Woods and Mickelson had their first one-on-one competition in November, which Mickelson won in a playoff. However, this competition will obviously have a different setup. Mickelson and Brady will team up against Woods and Manning.

Brady and Manning Competing Indirectly Against Each Other Once Again

Brady and Manning had their battles on the gridiron but were never directly competing against each other necessarily. Even if it was lip service, Peyton Manning has always said it was the Colts or Broncos against the Patriots. The games would play out as the team against the team.

Peyton Manning’s teams were able to win three AFC Championships against Brady’s teams. However, Brady’s teams have a better overall record against Manning’s teams. During an interview previewing The Match: Champions for Charity, Peyton Manning did point out how he and Tiger Woods have combined for 17 championships, compared to the 11 combined between Tom Brady and Phil Mickelson.

A Clutch Moment Or Two May Decide The Match: Champions for Charity

These athletes also have all had their clutch moments within their sports. There are many that have stood out to me. For Phil Mickelson, it was his Sunday at Muirfield in 2013 to win his first Claret Jug. Tiger Woods’ Masters’ win last year was the climax of one of the most unlikely comeback stories you might see. For Tom Brady, it was many of his crazy playoff wins. Super Bowl 51 will stand out as a game where he made timely throws to keep his team in the game. Peyton Manning and the Colts’ comeback in the 2006 AFC Championship against Brady’s Patriots will always stand out to me as the defining moment of his career.

This golf match will be decided by a clutch moment. Fans know that every person participating has the ability to upstage their opponent. It will just be a matter of who rises to the occasion.

Manning and Brady’s Battles On The Gridiron Have Always Been Team Battles Decided By Teammates

Manning and Brady have had their battles through the years, but the games between them were always team games. In 2009, when the Patriots were seemingly a lock to hand the Colts their first loss of the season, Bill Belichick decided to go for it on 4th-and-2. When Brady and the Patriots came back from down 24-0 to beat the Broncos, it was the miscommunication between Denver’s Tony Carter and Wes Welker’s that came to define that game. That is why my prediction is that the actions of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson will define this match.

Expect Woods and Mickelson To Determine Strategy In The Match: Champions for Charity

The focus of The Match: Champions for Charity is about two rivalries combining to bring a super-rivalry golf match. However, Woods and Mickelson will not beat the other individual. Brady and Manning will not beat each other as individuals also.

For the first nine holes of the match, the better score for each team will be recorded. Therefore, if Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson have better rounds than Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, their scores will get recorded for their whole team. For the second half of the match, teammates will alternate shots, which means that strategy will be key. It may be fair to assume that Woods and Mickelson will take the lead on the strategy end of things.

Prediction For The Match: Champions for Charity

The team of Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning will win The Match: Champions for Charity because it is at The Medalist, which is Tiger Woods’ home golf course. Mickelson and Brady will keep this competitive to the point it may require a playoff, but Woods knows his course better than anyone. Regardless of who wins, however, sports fans will be entertained on Sunday.

HTH: Tiger Woods Masters Tears, LeBron Blame, Russell Wilson Contract

Hot takes house, tiger woods, james harden

The Hot Takes House is open for business. In this edition: why Tiger Woods win at The Masters is the greatest comeback in sports, why blaming LeBron James for everything is thoughtless, and why Russell Wilson’s contract demands make him the smartest man in the NFL. Do not read any further if you are easily triggered. Read. Share. Leave a Comment.

Tiger Woods is the Greatest Comeback Sports History

There has never been an athlete who was dead and buried by the sports media more than Tiger Woods. Not only did they say he ran out of talent, they demanded he quit to stop the embarrassment.

The greatness of Tiger Wood’s comeback was his motivation shift. For years, talked about getting back to his old form, the desire to be great again, and repairing his name. None of those things worked. He tried to outwork the pain and injuries like he had done all his life. But, it didn’t work.

Only a father’s desire for his children to see him do something great was able to shift the tides. Tiger said he didn’t want his kids to believe he was just a “YouTube golfer.” As a father and former professional athlete whose kids were either young or unborn during my career, I understand why Tiger wanted his kids to see him be great. They had only seen injuries, scandal, and a father in severe physical pain over the last 11 years.

Seeing him accomplish his dreams with his children in attendance while 99% of people not named George Wrighster quit on him was amazing. I still don’t know who was cutting onions in my house after Tiger won.

Get Off the ‘Blame LeBron’ Train

When everyone in sports media jumps on a hot topic bandwagon, it is time to jump off. They will inevitably be wrong. Just like all those people who said Tiger Woods career was over.

The lowest hanging fruit in sports is to blame LeBron. It doesn’t matter whether it makes sense, is plausible, or fair, just blame LeBron

There was an article in Sporting News that blamed LeBron for NBA ratings being down. Is it LeBron’s job or in his control to carry interest in the entire NBA even though he only plays for one team?

Magic Johnson quit as Lakers President of Basketball operations this week; all sports media fingers started pointing to LeBron James. They said he pushed Magic out and is really in full control of the Lakers. I did not buy it for one second. I’m supposed to believe that Magic Johnson survived the NBA in the 80s, HIV, became a real estate mogul but got bullied by LeBron. LOL.

Sports media personalities would have you believe that the Lakers are a dumpster fire that cannot be fixed and it’s LeBron’s fault. Did they miss the previous 3 years before LeBron got there? Jeanie Buss and her siblings fought a legal battle over team control. They had scouting and general manager problems. The team had no direction and plan for the future. Was all that supposed to be solved by signing LeBron?

Get off the “Blame LeBron James Train” before it crashes and you end up on Cold Takes Exposed.

Russell Wilson is the Smartest Man in the NFL

Russell Wilson gave the Seahawks until end of day April 15th to get his new contract finalized. If they do not, he won’t be resigning and will become a free agent at the end of this season. The genius part of this is that Wilson wants his long term financial security tied to the escalation of the NFL salary cap.

Gambling on sports is now legal in many states, and the NFL will inevitably get in on the deal. That will trigger another salary cap spike, which will increase player salaries. Wilson knows he is one of the few elite quarterbacks in the game, and always wants to be paid like it. Most players would take huge money to become the NFL’s highest paid player without regard for future cap spikes.

Seahawks fans, don’t be upset with Russell Wilson if he can’t finish his career with the team. Owners started this disloyalty, and they aim to keep as much money in their pocket and not the players pocket. Russell Wilson won’t be another victim of one-sided NFL contracts.

Listen to the Podcast, there is even more on Tiger Woods Masters Win, Luke Walton and Kliff Kingsbury Failing Up, and LeBron James Blame.

Hot Takes House: Mahomes GOAT, Soft NFL, Tiger Immortal, Oregon Ducks Heartbreak

Game 163

These are hot takes and fun from the weekend. Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week Hot Takes House. Do not read any further if you are easily offended. If you do, share with a friend.


If I could wish any professional athlete an eternal prime, it would be Tiger Woods. I want to watch him forever. He’s 42, and the window is closing. I don’t want it ever to end. Golf needs him to be great at 80years old because nobody watches when he’s not playing.


1. At this point, the NFL should make it two hand touch on the quarterbacks or wrap them in bubble wrap.

Or they should use this new instructional video teaching players to pillow fight tackle quarterbacks.

2. Pat Mahomes is not hot. He’s the GOAT. By halftime of week 3, he had completed touchdowns to nine different Chiefs players. The ALL TIME NFL RECORD for a season is 13 from the 2016 Falcons. 

3. Minnesota Vikings… WTF… You really lost to the Bills 27-6?

4. Raiders lose, Khalil Mack dominates, rinse wash repeat

5. Jon Gruden said It’s hard to find a great pass rusher, but it’s apparently effortless to trade one away.

6. Bill Belichick may retire after this season. The Patriots Suck. Tom Brady is old. They traded the wrong guy. The future is not bright.

7. What kind of a world do we live in where the Detroit Lions defeat the New England Patriots two weeks after getting blown out by the New York Jets. That’s just some whacky nonsense that should have everyone frightened about the future of our planet. – Unafraid Show email submission

8. Custom NFL Kaepernick Jerseys of teams he never played for are the new black (fashion reference).

College Football

1. Virginia Tech lost to Old Dominion. This is one of the biggest upsets in college football history. ODU is one of the worst teams in the country. Most have them ranked around number 127/130 FBS programs.

2. The AP Poll is garbage again. For the past two weeks, BYU has been ranked above Cal, who beat BYU. And Wisconsin who lost to BYU but has played a soft schedule is ranked above both. Maryland and Texas are both 3-1. Texas is #18 in the polls, and Maryland received just a couple votes.

3. Georgia Bulldogs fans are sensitive and Big Mad about not being ranked higher in the Unafraid Show College Football Top 10. They haven’t played a good team yet, are mad at me like I made their garbage non-conference schedule.

4. Oregon Ducks can be a top 10 College Football team despite gift-wrapping a game to Stanford.

5. Oregon fans have to stop blaming the refs for the loss to Stanford. There were some questionable calls, but the reality is the Ducks gave the game away. Adversity is going to strike and when it does cant snap it over the QBs head, fumble, or let Stanford score so quickly.

6. Who will win a game first, Chip Kelly at UCLA or Scott Frost at Nebraska? If Old Dominion can beat Virginia Tech and North Texas beat Arkansas, UCLA, and Nebraska have to win at least once.


I don’t know whether Brett Kavanaugh is guilty or innocent of the allegations against him. But I do know it is 2018, and him conveniently having calendars from 1982 to prove your innocence sounds too good to be true. But what could the calendars prove anyway? I wouldn’t imagine that if he is guilty, he wouldn’t have entered raping a woman on the calendar.


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Send us your hot takes to and they may make the next week post.

Tiger Woods: The Athlete Who Will Unite America

America is a very divisive place in 2018. Well, at least that’s the case on social media. The right hates the left with a passion. The left hates the right with a passionThere are political, socio-economic, racial, and sexual orientation divides. One side tweets out an opinion. The other side attacks the tweet. An argument ensues, and most of the time, nothing is solved. Rinse and repeat.

What if I were to tell you that there was someone who could unite America? Specifically, what if I were to tell you that this someone was one of the most famous athletes of all-time? LeBron James? Tom Brady? Nope.

The athlete to unite America is Tiger Woods.

What transpired this past Sunday was magical. Tiger Woods, who is arguably the greatest golfer of all-time, entered the final round of the PGA Championship with a score of -8, which was 4 shots behind the leader (and eventual winner), Brooks Koepka. Tiger has not won a major since the 2008 U.S. Open. Frankly, it’s felt like it’s been more than 12 years since Tiger was true “Tiger.” The Tiger that became the most popular athlete on the planet in the mid-2000s has been a shell of himself lately due to personal problems and health issues. However, August 12, 2018, was different. Tiger turned back the clock like it was 2005 and reminded America what he could do if his game is on. The problems of the country become secondary when Tiger is in contention.

Once Tiger showed up to the course looking like this, it was a wrap.

The Sunday red shirt AND a backward hat? If I were competing that day, I would’ve gone home because I knew I didn’t stand a chance. It turns out that the field actually didn’t stand a chance (besides Brooks) as Tiger shot a final round -6 / 64, which was his lowest-ever final round in a major.

Just listen to this crowd. Who else even comes close to hearing those roars? In golf, no one. In other major sports? No one as well. Tiger Woods is in a league of his own.

No one moves the needle like Tiger. I can’t think of an athlete who has moved the needle more than Tiger in the past 30 years. You might have to go back to the days of Muhammad Ali to find an equal counterpart. The Tiger Effect is real. When Tiger is in the hunt at a major, the ratings are to the moon. It’s been years since Tiger was in contention, but last Sunday, Tiger had a legitimate shot to win, and all of the eyeballs were on him. Tiger Woods is the most powerful athlete in his sport, and it’s not even close.

Let’s go back to my original point. Tiger Woods can unite America because he has the ability to stop people of all races, colors, and creeds in their tracks and turn on the television. This isn’t just a sports fan talking. This is an American. If you were on Twitter this past Sunday, there were barely any political discussions. There was no hate being spread. It was only reactions to what people were witnessing on a golf course in St. Louis. Stephen A. Smith summed it up best in the video below.

You may love him. You might even hate him. But, you are going to watch him.

America needs Tiger Woods.

Follow me on Twitter @danny_giro