NFL + Sports Ratings Facts, Joe Burrow, Ramsey vs Tate Fight, We Need More Jimmy Butler

Russell wilson NFL Ratings Jalen Ramsey vs Golden Tate Fight,
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NFL Ratings and Sports Ratings

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? Don’t believe lies from the “Get Woke Go Broke” bros. The facts say NFL ratings are not only not tanking, but are doing quite well. In fact, other sports like the NBA, NHL, and MLB have declining ratings for a very particular reason.

Jalen Ramsey fights Golden Tate

Jalen Ramsey and Golden Tate fight over the same three things men always fight over: Women, Pride, Money.

NBA Needs More Jimmy Butler Energy

Jimmy Butler statline of 40 points, 11 rebounds, and 13 assists in 45 minutes doesnt even begin to tell you why the NBA needs more players like Jimmy Buckets.

  • Don’t believe lies from the Get Woke Go Broke bros. Here are the facts about sports ratings.
  • I have to apologize to Joe Burrow and almost on the verge of apologizing to Josh Allen
  • Jalen Ramsey and Golden Tate fight over the same thing men always fight over.
  • Ron Rivera is brave and honorable for coaching through cancer treatment. How is it affecting his team?
  • NBA needs more Jimmy Butler Basketball

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet the truth. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

Guests: The Intercollegiate Co-Editors Daniel Libit and Luke Cyphers

College Athletes NCAA Name image Likeness

The Intercollegiate Watchdogs of Collge Athletics

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong Interview with Daniel Libit and Luke Cyphers. They are Co-Editors of The Intercollegiate . They join me to discuss their fight for transparency in college athletics. Their investigative journalism has uncovered secrets the universities were hiding in plain sight. We discuss how the NCAA has been allowed to keep up the sham of amateurism. They tell us what the future may look like for college sports and what the solution should be for name, image, and likeness legislation. They also tell us some of their findings that have let to coaches and administrators resigning.

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Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

Give LeBron His Flowers, Clay Travis CFB Herd Immunity, Analytics vs Manalytics, NBA MVP

LeBron James and Anthony Davis
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Give LeBron James his Flowers While He’s Still Playing

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? Us sports fans have to stop being haters. Appreciating greatness like LeBron James while he is still here is important. However, we will miss him when he’s gone. Clay Travis advocated for coronavirus herd immunity for college football. It was dumb, and I had to call him out.

Analytics in Sports are Important

Analytics in sports are very valuable and extremely useful tools for winning a lot of games. However, manalytics are much more valuable and the only way to win a championship.

NBA MVPs but not Championship Contenders

NBA MVP system is broken when MVPs aren’t real title contenders. Giannis Antetokounmpo is a 2-time MVP but won’t make the Finals.

  • Give people their flowers while they are here to smell them, See LeBron James
  • Clay Travis advocated for coronavirus herd immunity for college football. it was dumb
  • Analytics are valuable but Manalyics matter more valuable
  • NBA MVP voting needs an overhaul

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

WOW: Get Woke Go Broke Con, Steve Nash Not White Privilege, Rutgers Sucks, NBA MVPs

Kyrie Irving Kevin Durant Brooklyn Nets NBA
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Get Woke Go Broke Lie, Steve Nash

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? These topics and more are covered on the podcast and video. The Phrase “Get Woke Go Broke” is a Con Job… Its Catchy but there is no truth to it in sports. Sports hosts use it to try and make it seem as if leagues are losing money. They are not! Steve Nash is the head coach of the Brooklyn Nets. There’s no White or Black Privilege in that decision.

Rutgers University Sucks

Rutgers University is doing something so gross it sounds unbelievable. Fining college players $50-125 for missing tutoring. These are unpaid athletes.

NBA MVPs but not Championship Contenders

NBA MVP system is broken when MVPs aren’t real title contenders. Giannis Antetokounmpo is about to be a 2-time MVP but won’t make the Finals.

  • The phrase “Get Woke Go Broke” is a Con Job… It’s Catchy but there is no truth to it in sports.
  • Steve Nash is the head coach of the Brooklyn Nets. Stop the White or Black Privilege talk.
  • Rutgers University is doing something so gross it sounds unbelievable. They are fining college athletes.
  • THE NBA MVP system is clearly broken because the most recent MVPs aren’t real title contenders.
  • Parting Shot: Winter is coming

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

WOW: NFL endzones, Big Ten vs Trump, Scott Foster, Big XII ACC no Plan, Kirk Cousins

NFL Endzones Colorado Buffaloes Black Lives Matter
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NFL End Zones Leave Social Justice Haters Nowhere to Hide

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The NFL is painting “End Racism” and “It Takes All of Us” in the end zones of all its. Now, every major professional sports league is in on social justice. What will the keep politics out of sports crowd going to watch? Sports…Duh. Minnesota Vikings QB Kirk Cousins had some interesting things to say about the coronavirus, but the headlines left out the fact he’s wearing a mask.

Big Ten Conference May Play Fall Football

In an obvious political move, Donald Trump contacted the Big Ten in an attempt to get them to play football immediately. It is reported he offered increased availability of testing and contact tracing access. The Big XII and ACC conferences have no contingency plan for Covid-19. What have they been doing for the last few months?

NBA Ref Scott Foster vs Harden and CP3

Referee Scott Foster as the lead ref for Game 7 between James Harden’s Houston Rockets and Chris Pauls’s Oklahoma City Thunder is a gift from the NBA. They both hate him.

  • NFL is painting End Racism in the end zones. What is the keep politics out of sports crowd going to watch? Sports…Duh
  • Donald Trump and Clay Travis’ attempt to bully the Big Ten doesn’t appear to work.
  • Scott Foster reffing Game 7 between Harden and CP3 is a gift
  • Big XII and ACC have no plan for Covid-19. What have they been doing?
  • Parting Shot: Kirk Cousins “If he dies, he dies”

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

WOW: Sports Protests, Are Pro Athletes Scared, Big Ten, Max Kellerman, Vote Red/Blue

Kawhi Leonard Luka Doncic nba bubble
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NBA Protests into MLB, MLS, NHL, and WNBA

Am I Wrighster or am I wrong? NBA protests have flowed into the MLB, MLS, NHL, and WNBA. They are all protesting racial injustice. I love it, but canceling the season would have been the wrong move. College football and the NFL are up next. Are millionaire Pro Athletes like LeBron James, Chris Paul, and others really afraid of the police? Why do they fear for their children when many of them are in private schools and live behind gates.

Big Ten Conference May Play Fall Football

The Big Ten conference is discussing potentially starting the football season after Thanksgiving. It is the right move. Let the SEC, Big XII, and ACC be the crash test dummies to see if football can be played during coronavirus.

Max Kellerman roasts SEC fans

Max Kellerman was right about SEC voters being susceptible to very low-quality information. The facts show that seven of the ten least educated states are in SEC country.

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, social justice warriors. ABSOLUTELY No BS. I keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

WOW: Montrezl Harrell calls Luka Doncic BAWB, NFL with Fans, Kobe Bryant, Roger Goodell Emmanuel Acho

Kawhi Leonard Luka Doncic nba bubble

Montrezl Harrell called Luka Doncic a BAWB

Am I Wrighster or am I wrong? I’m not interested in hearing fake hypocrisy passive-aggressive tears over Montrezl Harrell calling Luka Doncic a BAWB. NFL could cause a public health crisis with fans in the stands. The impact of Kobe Bryant’s death on the world has only increased in seven months. He gave us much more than Mamba Mentality. Roger Goodell’s apology to Colin Kaepernick was too late. Plus a parting shot that you won’t want to miss.

Roger Goodell Apologized to Colin Kaepernick

Leave a comment with your thoughts on Montrezl Harrell calling Luka Doncic a BAWB, NFL with Fans, Kobe Bryant, Roger Goodell apologizing to Colin Kaepernick on Emmanuel Acho’s “Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man”. Or shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas:

Wrighster or Wrong?

Anchor // iTunes // Spotify // Breaker // PocketCasts // Google Play // Stitcher // RadioPublic

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, SJW. No BS. Keep it 100.

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

WOW: July 8 CFB Doomsday, Trump NASCAR Bubba Wallace Tweet, NFL has MLB Problems

Donald Trump vs Bubba Wallace, NFL Problems

Donal Trump vs Bubba Wallace and NASCAR

Am I Wrighster or am I wrong? We are going to find out if NASCAR is serious about defending Bubba Wallace and their desire to change their culture. Donald Trump sent a tweet about Wallace despite all the facts showing there was a noose and threats against Wallace after the confederate flags were banned at NASCAR tracks.

College football is more likely to happen in the spring than in the fall. The Ivy League is set to make an announcement about sports on July 8. CFB commissioners are already making contingency plans.

The NFL has MLB sized problems brewing under the surface that may hinder a timely start with coronavirus concerned looming.

Leave a comment with your thoughts on Bubba Wallace and Donald Trump, CFB, of the NFL restart. Or shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas:

Wrighster or Wrong?

Am I Wrighster or Am I Wrong? The intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door. This ain’t the place for the left, right, snowflakes, SJW. No BS. Keep it 100.

Anchor // iTunes // Spotify // Breaker // PocketCasts // Google Play // Stitcher // RadioPublic

The George Wrighster podcast features great interviews where you get to know great people discussing faith, family, fatherhood, food, and sports. We get to know and learn from the personalities that entertain us outside of what they are famous for. Shoot me an email with comments or guest ideas: Please be sure to share the podcast with a friend, subscribe, and leave a 5* rating.

Who is George Wrighster?

George Wrighster is a former Pac-12 and veteran NFL tight end. As a television/radio host, opinionist, writer, speaker, and analyst, he is UNAFRAID to speak the truth. Contrary to industry norms he uses, facts, stats, and common sense to win an argument. He has also found success in the business world as an entrepreneur and investor. George is a lifelong learner who loves having conversations that educate and uplift. He has also covered college football, basketball, NFL, NBA, MLB since 2014.

Hot Takes House: Drake Curse, Fire NFL QBs and Coaches, Tim Tebow Tears

Tim Tebow

It’s Monday, and the Hot Takes House is open for business. These are hot takes and fun from the weekend. Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week Hot Takes House. Do not read any further if you are easily offended, especially if you are a Tim Tebow fan. If you do, share with a friend.

Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week post.

Winner of the Weekend

  • The curse of Drake is real. He has cursed the Toronto Raptors, Kentucky Wildcats, Serena Williams, and Connor McGregor. If I ever end up on a big stage in competition keep Drake’s ass away from me.

  • It is time for the Oakland Raiders, New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers, and Jacksonville Jaguars need to drop their pride and sign Colin Kaepernick.


1. Derek Carr has the worst interception of the 2018 NFL season.


2. We did not ask for a new Sunday Night Football song. The old one was just fine.

3. Jason Garrett is the best thing that ever happened to the Giants, Eagles, Washington, the entire AFC, and NFC.

4. It’s time for the Cowboys to break down and text Dez, “You Up”?

5. The Cleveland Browns have a better winning percentage than the Dallas Cowboys. Welcome to 2018.- @JakeBrownRadio

6. Only Bad Blake Bortles could 1-up Derek Carr’s terrible interception!

7. Nick Foles is not better than Carson Wentz. Eagles twitter needs to stop with the nonsense.

8. Packers kicker Mason Crosby may be in the process of cutting himself. He missed 5 FGs in a dome against Detroit.

9. Odell Beckham threw the best deep touchdown pass of the Giants’ season. He is their best wide receiver and quarterback.


  • Last week Colts’ coach Frank Reich went for it on fourth down in overtime and didn’t get it; Texans won in overtime.
  • This week Cowboys’ coach Jason Garrett punted on fourth and shorter; Texans won again in overtime.
  • Two different coaching approaches, the same result, only one looks cowardice.

College Football

1. In my unbiased opinion, Wrighster is right! Tim Tebow and Nick Saban need to quit crying about fans not showing up!

2. Mike Stoops was actively sabotaging the Oklahoma Sooners defense. We all knew he was getting fired!

3. The jig is up! Utah figured out how to stop Stanford’s jump ball on the goal line. I’ve never seen anybody play it like the Utah cornerback. I bet the conversion percentage goes down from here on out

4.  Florida State quarterback Deondre Francois is the toughest quarterback in the country. He gets his ass kicked every week, doesn’t down his teammates, and signs up for more. 

5. “Dicker the Kicker” is the best nickname in college football! Texas Wins.

6. The AP Poll is biased for ranking Georgia so highly when they have played nobody. The Unafraid Show Top 10 are the only rankings I acknowledge.


1. Ridiculous that the cameras pulled away on a PPV event. We paid the money. We get to see what happens! #UFC229

2. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Should we tell Connor or no?


Hope you enjoyed Hot Takes House. See you next Monday! Send us your hot takes to, and they may make the next week post.

USA Soccer (USMNT) will disappoint in 2026 World Cup: Need Inner-City Kids

USA Soccer is absolutely failing in international competition on the men’s side of things. Some many people have come up with creative excuses for the reason why. The United States is top tier in almost every other sport in the world except the most popular game in the world. The most common excuse is the general lack of interest in the USA in professional soccer compared to the rest of the world. If that were true, the women’s national team (USWNT) wouldn’t be so great.

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People got mad at Hope Solo when she said youth soccer was a ‘rich white kid sport’. One demographic cannot produce most of our talent pool if we want to be great. The top players in the MLB, NFL, and NBA all come from different socio-economic backgrounds. Those leagues invest in inner-city communities where playing sports and getting quality training becomes an economic hardship.

If the US Men’s national team is ever going to have a legit shot at winning a World Cup they must find a way to diversify their “workforce”.

Am I Wrighster or am I Wrong?